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DaMaLOS 2025

DaMaLOS 2025 @ ESWC

DaMaLOS 5th Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science - DaMaLOS 2025
(*) research objects (e.g., data, software, workflows, knowledge graphs, ro-crates)

Co-located with ESWC as part of MaRA - Joint Workshops on Management for Research Artifacts

email: [mara-damalos-airdem at googlegroups dot com](
Follow us on Fostodon/Mastodon #DaMaLOS2025


Scientific research involves various digital objects including publications, software, data, workflows and tutorials (i.e., research artifacts), all key to FAIRness, reproducibility and transparency. The research lifecycle, from questions and hypotheses to results and conclusions, requires data production, collection, and transformation, a process commonly supported by software, workflows and tutorials. For this cycle to prosper, we require Research Artifacts Management Plans (RMPs) including data, software, machine learning (DMPs, SMPs, MLMPs) and metadata supporting the FAIR (data) principles{:target="_blank"} and its extensions (e.g., FAIR4RS{:target="_blank"}, FAIR computational workflows{:target="_blank"}, FAIR4ML{:target="_blank"}) as well as additional coverage for reproducibility, transparency, trustability, explainability, i.e., *ilities. All sorts of research artifacts are needed to fully realize Linked Open Science, i.e., Open Science plus Linked Open Data (LOD) principles –data here understood in a very broad sense covering any research artifact. LOD principles, aka LOD 5 stars{:target="_blank"}, follow objectives overlapping with FAIR and Open Science (e.g., LOD includes “openness” and usage of “non-proprietary open formats”). In DaMaLOS we will explore requirements for research artifacts and their corresponding management plans to effectively instantiate an integrated layer supporting Linked Open Science. DaMaLOS welcomes contributions aligned to the following topics: use of metadata as background knowledge to improve LLMs, machine-actionable research artifact management plans; machine/deep learning and LLM approaches to enrich metadata; FAIR-assistance, FAIRification; FAIR by design (e.g., Research Objects{:target="_blank"}, SignPosting{:target="_blank"}, FDO{:target="_blank"}); FAIR tooling; and scientometrics beyond the scholarly publication (i.e., combining the different research artifacts for research assessment and impact).


DaMaLOS targets researchers interested in the topics “science on science”, FAIRness of research artifacts, and research objects management, including for instance data and software management plans. DaMaLOS submissions and discussions commonly revolve around subjects such as creation of metadata schemas to represent research artifacts; applications consuming or exposing such metadata; machine/deep learning solutions to consume, improve or facilitate access to the metadata; FAIRification assistants and FAIRness evaluators; FAIR Digital Objects implementations, in particular those using technologies aligned to the Linked Open Data efforts (e.g., RO-Crates and Signposting), and scientometrics approaches using research artifacts beyond traditional scholarly publications.

<script type="application/ld+json"> [ { "@context": "", "@id": "", "@type": "Event", "name": "DaMaLOS 2025", "description": "5th Workshop on Metadata and Research (objects) Management for Linked Open Science - DaMaLOS 2025", "image": "", "startDate": "2025-06-01", "endDate": "2025-06-02", "eventStatus": "", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "keywords": "Data Management, FAIR assistance, FAIR Digital Objects, Research artifacts, RO-Crate, Scientometrics, Signposting, Software Management, Metadata, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, NFDI4DS", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Portoroz, Slovenia" }, "url": "", "organizer": [ { "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "Leyla Jael Castro", "memberOf": { "@type": "Organization", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "ZB MED Information Centre for Life Sciences", "logo": "" } }, { "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "Dietrich Rebholz-Schuhmann", "memberOf": { "@type": "Organization", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "ZB MED Information Centre for Life Sciences", "logo": "" } }, { "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "Sonja Schimmler", "memberOf": { "@type": "Organization", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems", "logo": "" } }, { "@type": "Person", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "Stian Soiland-Reyes", "memberOf": { "@type": "Organization", "@id": "", "url": "", "name": "University of Manchester", "logo": "" } } ], "about": "Scientific research involves various digital objects including publications, software, data, workflows and tutorials, all key to FAIRness, reproducibility and transparency. The research lifecycle, from questions and hypotheses to results and conclusions, requires data production, collection, and transformation, a process commonly supported by software and workflows. For this cycle to prosper, we require Research Data and Software Management Plans (DMPs and SMPs), Research Objects packing things together, and metadata supporting the FAIR (data) principles and its extensions (e.g., software, workflows) as well as coverage for reproducibility, transparency, trustability, explainability, i.e., *ilities. Furthermore, despite playing an important role, data on its own is not enough to establish Linked Open Science, i.e., Open Science plus Linked Open Data (LOD). LOD principles, aka LOD 5 stars, follow objectives overlapping with FAIR and Open Science (e.g., LOD includes “openness” and usage of “non-proprietary open formats”). In DaMaLOS we will explore requirements for research digital objects and their corresponding management plans to effectively instantiate an integrated layer supporting Linked Open Science. DaMaLOS welcomes contributions aligned to the following topics: machine-actionable DMPs and SMPs; machine/deep learning approaches around rich metadata; FAIRification; FAIR by design; FAIR tooling; recognition, publication and citation for data, software and other research digital objects, and scientometrics beyond the scholarly publication (i.e., combining the different digital objects playing a role in the research cycle).", "superEvent": { "@type": "Event", "@id": "", "name": "Extended Semantic Web Conference ESWC 2025", "description": "The European Semantic Web Conference is a major venue for discussing the latest scientific results and technology innovations around semantic technologies. Building on its past success, ESWC is seeking to broaden its focus to span other relevant related research areas in which Web semantics plays an important role. The goal of the Semantic Web is to create a Web of knowledge and services in which the semantics of content is made explicit and content is linked to both other content and services allowing novel applications to combine content from heterogeneous sites in unforeseen ways and support enhanced matching between users needs and content. This network of knowledge-based functionality will weave together a large network of human knowledge, and make this knowledge machine-processable to support intelligent behaviour by machines. Creating such an interlinked Web of knowledge which spans unstructured text, structured data as well as multimedia content and services requires the collaboration of many disciplines, including but not limited to: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Databases and Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Multimedia, Distributed Systems, Social Networks, Web Engineering, and Web Science. These complementarities are reflected in the outline of the technical program of the ESWC 2025. ESWC 2025 will present the latest results in research, technologies and applications in its field. Besides the technical program organized over numerous tracks, the conference will feature a workshop and tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a posters exhibition and a doctoral symposium.", "startDate": "2025-06-01", "endDate": "2025-06-05", "eventStatus": "", "eventAttendanceMode": "", "keywords": "Semantic Web", "location": { "@type": "Place", "name": "Portoroz, Slovenia" }, "url": "", "image": "" } } ] </script>