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Operator Handbook

Deployment/Update Process

Inside Camunda environment

Changes to main are automatically deployed to production.

In Kubernetes

See .ci/scripts/ for the steps necessary to deploy testbench.

Initial Setup


You need:

  • Kubernetes cluster
  • Zeebe cluster for test orchestration
  • Camunda Cloud Organization account
  • Camunda Cloud API credentials to create test clusters on demand
  • Kubernetes service account, token and permissions to interact with running clusters on Kubernetes level
  • Slack channel to receive notifications
  • Slack app and webhook URL to send notifications to a slack channel

Setup and deployment:

  • Look at testbench.yaml and chaosWorker.yaml and fill in the fields
  • Setup a Kubernetes cluster to deploy into
  • Set environment variables (see below)
  • Deploy application .ci/scripts/
  • Check in logs that self check was successful (happens at start up and connects to all external systems)
  • Check in test orchestration cluster that processes were deployed

Detailed Instructions

Test Orchestration Cluster

  1. Login to Camunda Cloud
  2. Create new cluster
  3. Create new client for that cluster
  4. Fill deployment descriptors as follows:
File Field Content
testbench.yaml, chaosWorker.yaml ZCTB_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_URL Cluster Client -> Connection Information -> ZEEBE_AUTHORIZATION_SERVER_URL
testbench.yaml, chaosWorker.yaml ZCTB_CLIENT_ID Cluster Client -> Connection Information -> ZEEBE_CLIENT_ID
ENV_VARS CLIENT_SECRET Cluster Client -> Connection Information -> ZEEBE_CLIENT_SECRET
ENV_VARS CONTACT_POINT Cluster Client -> Connection Information -> ZEEBE_ADDRESS

Camunda Cloud API Client

  1. Login to Camunda Cloud
  2. Go to Organization Settings -> Cloud API
  3. Create new client with all privileges
  4. Fill deployment descriptors as follows:
File Field Content
testbench.yaml ZCTB_CLOUD_API_URL Depends on the stage (e.g. for integration stage)
testbench.yaml ZCTB_CLOUD_AUDIENCE Depends on stage (e.g. for integration stage)
testbench.yaml ZCTB_CLOUD_AUTHENTICATION_SERVER_URL Depends on stage (e.g. for integration stage)
testbench.yaml ZCTB_CLOUD_CLIENT_ID Cloud API -> Client -> Client Id
ENV_VARS CLOUD_CLIENT_SECRET Cloud API -> Client -> Client Secret

Slack App and Webhook

  1. Create a Slack application (
  2. Create an incoming webhook for your app (
  3. Add a new webhook to your workspace for the desired channel (you may need approval from your workspace admin)
  4. Invite your app to the channel it should publish to
  5. Fill deployment descriptors as follows:
File Field Content
ENV_VARS SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL The webhook URL for your app

Chaos Experiments

In order to run our automated chaos experiments against a zeebe cluster, which runs in a different kuebernetes cluster, we need access to that cluster. This means our chaos worker, which executes the chaos experiments, needs access to it. This can be done by a service account and a corresponding token which the application (the chaos worker) uses.

To create a service account, you can deploy the resources you find under /core/chaos-workers/deployment/service-account.

Then you need to build the chaos worker docker image with the service account token. The serviceaccount token can be received via kubectl -n zeebe-chaos describe secrets zeebe-chaos-sa-token-*.

In the dockerfile of the chaos worker the token is used to setup the correct kube context etc. Ideally you store the token in the team vault, where jenkins can access it and build the docker image with the token as argument.

You can find more details on how to setup the service account and how it was previously done here.


  • Create a Kubernetes cluster and namesapce
  • Run steps similiar to those found in .ci/scripts/
  • Check the log of the testbench pod for a successful self-test:
14:11:37.767 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.BootstrapFromEnvVars - Bootstrapper starting
14:11:39.764 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Selftest - Successfully established connection to test orchestration cluster
14:11:41.049 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Selftest - Successfully established connection to cloud API
14:11:41.519 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Selftest - Successfully established connection to Slack
14:11:42.422 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.ProcessDeployer - Found processes to deploy:[processes\run-all-tests-in-camunda-cloud-per-cluster-plan.bpmn, processes\run-all-tests-in-camunda-cloud.bpmn, processes\run-sequential-test-in-camunda-cloud.bpmn]
14:11:42.422 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.ProcessDeployer - Deploying run-all-tests-in-camunda-cloud-per-cluster-plan.bpmn
14:11:42.718 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.ProcessDeployer - Deploying run-all-tests-in-camunda-cloud.bpmn
14:11:42.824 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.ProcessDeployer - Deploying run-sequential-test-in-camunda-cloud.bpmn
14:11:42.923 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Registering job worker MapNamesToUUIDsWorker for: map-names-to-uuids-job
14:11:42.934 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Job worker opened and receiving jobs.
14:11:42.941 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Registering job worker CreateClusterInCamundaCloudWorker for: create-zeebe-cluster-in-camunda-cloud-job
14:11:42.942 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Job worker opened and receiving jobs.
14:11:42.942 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Registering job worker SequentialTestLauncher for: run-sequential-test-job
14:11:42.943 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Job worker opened and receiving jobs.
14:11:42.948 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Registering job worker RecordTestResultWorker for: record-test-result-job
14:11:42.948 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Job worker opened and receiving jobs.
14:11:42.949 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Registering job worker NotifyEngineersWorker for: notify-engineers-job
14:11:42.950 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Job worker opened and receiving jobs.
14:11:42.957 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Registering job worker DeleteClusterInCamundaCloudWorker for: destroy-zeebe-cluster-in-camunda-cloud-job
14:11:42.957 [main] INFO  io.zeebe.clustertestbench.bootstrap.Launcher - Job worker opened and receiving jobs.
  • Check that processes have been deployed to test orchestration cluster