Welcome to Grima, the library that makes it easy to work with Alma using APIs. Check out the documentation to learn how to set up grima or try some of the grimas below:
- PrintBib -- display bib record in printable web page
- PrintHolding -- display holding record in printable web page
- Hierarchy -- view bib/mfhds/items in hierarchy view
- ResolveLink -- resolve a link in Alma/Primo window
- ShowItemsFromHoldings -- display all items from a holding record
- InsertOclcNo -- insert OCLC number into 035
- Boundwith -- create boundwith in Alma using bib 501/774, holding 014
- RemoveTempLocation -- remove temporary location from item
- AddInternalNote -- add internal note 1 to an item record
- MarkImportTemporaryLocation -- mark items from an import job as being in a temporary location
- AppendToNoteOnSet -- add a note to every item in a set, appending if there is already a note there
- CreateBriefBib -- create a brief bib with specified 245a
- DuplicateBib -- create a duplicate copy of a bib
- MoreItems -- add more items to a serial or set, based on the first one
- DeleteTree -- delete bib and all of its inventory from Alma
- DeleteBib -- delete bib from Alma
- DeleteItem -- delete item from Alma
- DeletePortfolio -- delete portfolio from Alma
- ViewXmlBib -- view Bib record as Bib object XML
- ViewXmlHolding -- view Holding record as Holding object XML
- ViewXmlItem -- view Item record as Item object XML
- ViewXmlPortfolio -- view Portfolio record as Electronic Portfolio object XML