The Flow Kit contributing policies and procedures can be found in the main Flow Kit documentation repository’s contributing page.
To make a contribution, you'll need to be able to build the library from source and run our tests.
Take a look at our instructions on how to build the library from source.
Flow Kit for Android has JVM tests as well as Emulator tests.
To run the JVM tests, do:
./gradlew test
To run the emulator tests, ensure you have a virtual device set up and do:
./gradlew connectedAndroidTest
Since we all want to spend more time coding and less time fiddling with whitespace, Flow Kit uses code conventions and styles to encourage consistency. Code with a consistent style is easier (and less error-prone!) to review, maintain, and understand.
If the style guide is not explicit about a particular situation, the cardinal rule is to be consistent. For example, take a look at the surrounding code and follow its lead, or look for similar cases elsewhere in the codebase.