Cuda build requires cmake >= 3.8
. Cuda builds with older versions of cmake are not supported. To manually build cmake
run next commands:
export PATH=`pwd`/Third-party/cmake/bin:$PATH
Non-cuda builds support cmake >= 3.0.2
, but CMakeLists.txt
will still require 3.8 version. To build with older versions run next commands:
sed -i 's/cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3\.8)/cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3\.0\.2)/' CMakeLists.txt
Other required tools: unzip
Solver incorporates following features which could be set up during build.
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE - build type (Debug, RelWithDebInfo, Release)
SOLVER_DIM_MODES - dimension modes to include in build (EX_HY;EX_HZ;EY_HX;EY_HZ;EZ_HX;EZ_HY;TEX;TEY;TEZ;TMX;TMY;TMZ;DIM1;DIM2;DIM3;ALL); default value is ALL, which includes all the supported modes
VALUE_TYPE - use float (f), double (d) or long double (ld) floating point values (long double values are supposed to be used only on supported platforms)
COMPLEX_FIELD_VALUES - use complex values or not (ON of OFF)
PARALLEL_GRID_DIMENSION - number of dimensions in parallel grid (1, 2 or 3)
PRINT_MESSAGE - print debug output (ON or OFF)
PARALLEL_GRID - use parallel grid or not (ON or OFF)
PARALLEL_BUFFER_DIMENSION - dimension of parallel buffers, i.e. actual coordinate systems (x, y, z, xy, yz, xz, xyz)
CUDA_ENABLED - enable support of GPU (ON or OFF)
CUDA_ARCH_SM_TYPE - sm type for GPU
LARGE_COORDINATES - whether to use int64 for grid coordinates or int32 (ON or OFF)
If any of the flags change or some new are added, testing scripts should be updated.
Build command for 3D grid in detail:
To build parallel mode with GPU support (MPI+Cuda) do not use mpicc and mpicxx compiler wrappers, because they do not set MPI_CXX_INCLUDE_DIRS
. These are required to be passed to nvcc
BlueGene\P doesn't have cmake provided, so it should be built from source. Download cmake source and then do the following
# make install won't work because of lack of root access for ordinary users
GCC provided for BlueGene\P is heavily outdated (4.1.2), thus, it doesn't support c++11 features. Also, apply next patch to fdtd3d:
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 2dc58ad..838b491 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
+#cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.8)
+cmake_policy(SET CMP0057 NEW)
+cmake_policy(SET CMP0012 NEW)
project (fdtd3d LANGUAGES CXX)
Build command:
make fdtd3d
mpixlcxx and mpixlcxx_r compilers lead to undefined references during linking (supposed that this is a bug in IBM XL compilers). GCC should be used instead (/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/bin/mpicxx
Dynamic mpich libraries are tried to be linked statically (supposed that this is a bug in cmake 3.6). Possible solution is to use newer cmake.
Workaround: build fdtd3d binary manually by replacing paths to dynamic libs with paths to static libs or add -L
before .so
Libs trying to be linked statically:
Updated command:
/bgsys/drivers/ppcfloor/comm/bin/mpicxx -D_FORCE_INLINES -qmaxmem=-1 -O3 -O3 -DNDEBUG CMakeFiles/fdtd3d.dir/main.cpp.o -o fdtd3d /bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_2010-100508P/ppc/comm/default/lib/libcxxmpich.cnk.a /bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_2010-100508P/ppc/comm/default/lib/libmpich.cnk.a /bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_2010-100508P/ppc/comm/default/lib/libopa.a -ldcmf.cnk -ldcmfcoll.cnk -lpthread -lSPI.cna /bgsys/drivers/V1R4M2_200_2010-100508P/ppc/gnu-linux/powerpc-bgp-linux/lib/librt.a Kernels/libKernels.a Settings/libSettings.a Coordinate/libCoordinate.a Grid/libGrid.a Layout/libLayout.a File-Management/Loader/libLoader.a File-Management/Dumper/libDumper.a Scheme/libInternalScheme.a Scheme/libScheme.a File-Management/Loader/libLoader.a File-Management/Dumper/libDumper.a File-Management/libFM.a ../Third-party/EasyBMP/libEasyBMP.a Scheme/libInternalScheme.a Grid/libGrid.a Settings/libSettings.a Helpers/libHelpers.a Layout/libLayout.a Kernels/libKernels.a Coordinate/libCoordinate.a
Add this to cmake
See cross build.
Sequentual build
make fdtd3dbench
- Add
command - Increase inital memory size with
-s INITIAL_MEMORY=134217728
- Set
debuggability level - Add
command - In order to generate htlm directly, change
in /usr/share/emscripten/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake
For example:
mkdir Release
cd Release
emmake make fdtd3dbench
This will create fdtd3d.js
, fdtd3d.wasm
and fdtd3d.html