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Development Environment Setup on Windows with WSL2

This document is geared specifically towards an Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS instance. All commands given are run from the Linux command line.

Installing Ruby + Rails

Follow the steps in a guide for Ubuntu, such as this one (up to step 4). Replace the versions in the guide with those given from the main contributing doc

Using Docker with WSL2 (to make use of the docker-compose.yml)

Windows Side

Follow the steps in this article to install Docker Desktop on the Windows side.

WSL2 Side

On the WSL2 side, install docker with

sudo apt install

Also uncomment the PostgreSQL-relevant lines in .env (currently lines 12-14).

Running PostgreSQL server

At this point, in WSL2, you should be able to run docker compose up.

Install overmind

Based on this SE post and the overmind repo, run the following, updating the versions if necessary and replacing any placeholders:

sudo apt-get install tmux # pre-req for overmind
cd ~/downloads # or some other downloads directory
mkdir overmind && cd overmind
wget # may need to use differnet architecture

shasum -a 256 overmind-v2.3.0-linux-386.gz | awk '{print $1}' && cat overmind-v2.3.0-linux-386.gz.sha256sum  # Verify these are the same

gunzip -d overmind-v2.3.0-linux-386.gz

# make it executable
sudo chmod +x overmind-v2.3.0-linux-386
mv overmind-v2.2.2-linux-amd64 ~/.local/bin/ # or can mv to /usr/local/bin/ if do sudo

overmind start # verify works

Run convene

Run bin/run.

Accessing convene in the browser

When running the application from WSL2, you cannot access it via localhost:3000, but need to use the IP address of the WSL2 instance.
To get this address, run the following command (from this article) to obtain the IP address of your WSL2 instance:

ip -4 addr show eth0 | grep -oP '(?<=inet\s)\d+(\.\d+){3}'

With this IP address, open <WSL2 IP address>:3000 in your browser to access the app.

Running tests

The integration tests (yarn run test of the bin/test file) currently require a firefox browser to interact with. We are currently investigating running firefox in a headless mode similar to the GitHub CI ubuntu instance we use.