- Discord server here
- Supports HTTP and HTTPS!
- Support Seasons 3 to 15 (~ season shop for season 1)
- 1:1 Quests (currently some seasons support less / or just not at all)
- Arena UI/Playlists! Seasons 8 to 23 (UNFINISHED, NOT WORKED ON ~ not proper scores on seasons 8 and 11)
- Ban Assist!
- You may use added/unfinished config stuff FortLibrary/ConfigHelpers/FortConfig.cs
- Requires VisualStudio To Build
- Info Here
- Make sure you set up the bot in the configs, and the /test command works
- Discord Bot Disabled On "DEVELOPMENT"
- ActivityType max is 5 (check in config cs file!! for more details)
- More info to setup and commands here
- MCP [!]
- OAUTH [+]
- Timeline [+]
- Cloudstorage, ClientSaving [+]
- 24/7 Shop (WIP) [!]
- XMPP [!]
- PartyV2 [-]
- Friends [+]
- Matchmaker (WIP) [-]
I've created an admin page to make it easier to manage JSON configs.
- The admin account is essential and cannot be deleted or edited.
- Currently, the admin panel is styled using Bootstrap. However, this may change in the future.
- Admins can grant other "FortBackend" users admin or moderator roles.
- Admins have the ability to edit user roles, but moderators cannot edit users or add new ones (work in progress).
- INI Manager on the dashboard is a mess and i will redo it in the future
- Start the FortBackend application.
- Access the login page here (right-click to copy the link).
- Use the default email (Admin@gmail.com) and password (AdminPassword123).
- Upon first login, you will be prompted to change your email and password.