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File metadata and controls

123 lines (101 loc) · 6.2 KB


  • The model is used to fuse observational data and chemical transport model simulations
  • The code is implemented by Zongrun Li (

Folder Structure

  • DataExtraction: includes functions to extract observation or CMAQ

    • functions to extract CMAQ
    • functions to extract observations
  • DataFusion

    • extracts CMAQ values at observation locations
    • generates correlation parameters Rcoll, R1 and R2
    • does all the routines for data fusion.
    • kriging interpolation for observations.
    • functions for generating parameters for FC1.
    • functions for generating parameters for FC2. Includes helper functions for FC1, FC2 and FCopt
  • DataWriter

    • defines a function that writes data fusion results to NetCDF. Define functions here for other format outputs.
  • Evaluation

    • defines statistical metrics for evaluating CMAQ or data fused CMAQ results performance.
  • Tools

    • a utility that combines different years of CMAQ outputs.
    • a utility that combines different observation CSV files.
    • a utility to calculate daily average, 1-hr maximum, MDA8, etc. (standard local time) concentration criteria from hourly GC outputs (UTC-0).
    • a utility to calculate daily average, 1-hr maximum, MDA8, etc. (standard local time) concentration criteria from hourly WRF-Chem outputs (UTC-0).
  • DataFusion_Evaluation.ipynb: utility for evaluating original CMAQ performance or data fused results performance.

  • Visualized_Data_Fusion.ipynb: provides part of visualization for the data fusion process.

  • an example code for doing data fusion (PM2.5 is included as an example. Output format is NetCDF).

  • Calculate fire impacts based on the following formula: $$\frac{CMAQ_{fire} - CMAQ_{no\ fire}}{CMAQ_{fire}} \cdot CMAQ_{fused\ fire}$$

  • util: provides utilities for plot figures or preprocessing CMAQ results or observations.

    • provides a function to plot US states.
    • convert hourly data to daily for different criteria, e.g., daily average, 1-hr maximum, MDA8.
    • visualization helper functions.
    • a format converter for the TFLAG variable in CMAQ.
  • an example for doing 5-fold cross-validations under site-wise and random withholding strategies on CMAQ simulations.

  • an example for doing 5-fold cross-validations under site-wise and random withholding strategies on GC simulations.

  • an example for doing 5-fold cross-validations under site-wise and random withholding strategies on WRF-Chem simulations.

  • data

    • geo: includes a US shapefile for plotting figures.
    • timezone: includes a shapefile for the timezone region and its timezone.
  • datafusion.yml: conda environment for this project (tested on MacOS).

  • requirements.txt: conda environment for this project (tested on Linux).

Build Up

  • Set up conda environment
conda env create -f environment.yml


pip install -r requirements.txt

Run the Data Fusion Code

Input data

observation data:

Download EPA observation data at: Processed the observation data and generate a daily observation data in csv format.

Time obs_pollutant siteCode Latitude Longitude
YYYY-MM-DD observation pollutants values unique for different sites site location site location
  • The CSV files at least include the information mentioned above. Notice that the header obs_pollutant will be used in to extract specific observation pollutants.
  • Sort the data by time (oldest first). The time standard should match the CMAQ (e.g.: if CMAQ uses LST, observation should be LST)

CMAQ data:

  • Use hr2day to process CMAQ hourly data to daily.
  • Combine all the CMAQ data you want to do the data fusion (sort the data by time, oldest first). You can use utilities I provided

Data fusion

You need to revise the following variables to run data fusion:

CMAQ_file = "./data/"
obs_file = "./data/obs_2016_2020.csv"
data_fusion_output = "./results/"
CMAQ_pollutant = "PM25_TOT_AVG"
obs_pollutant = "PM25"
  • CMAQ_file: CMAQ daily output
  • obs_file: CSV files which follows the standard I mentioned before.
  • data_fusion_output: the data fusion output location and filename.
  • CMAQ_pollutant: pollutant variable name you want to fuse in CMAQ.
  • obs_pollutant: pollutant variable name you want to fuse in the observation file.

Other Chemical Transport Model

  1. Create the combined netCDF format daily simulation outputs.
  2. Implement a function in DataExtraction/ Examples of GEOS-Chem (GCGridInfo), CMAQ (CMAQGridInfo), and WRF-Chem (WRFGridInfo) are provided. The return value is a dict which should include the following geographic information of your CTM simulations:
  • crs: coordinate reference system which is used to convert (lat, lon) $\Leftrightarrow$ (Y, X)
  • X: the X coordinates of each grid cell's center. It is used to calculate distance.
  • Y: the Y coordinates of each grid cell's center. It is used to calculate distance.
  • X_bdry: minimum and maximum of the domain's X.
  • Y_bdry: minimum and maximum of the domain's Y.
  • Lat: latitude of each grid cell's center.
  • Lon: longitude of each grid cell's center.
  • Lat_bdry: minimum and maximum of the domain's latitude.
  • Lon_bdry: minimum and maximum of the domain's longitude.
  • time: timestamp for the simulation time dimension.
  1. In, replace
geo = CMAQGridInfo(CMAQ_file)

with the function you implemented. Then, you are good to run the code.
Notice: For global model (for example, GC). You need a projection to convert latitude and longitude to X and Y since the model needs to calculate distance.