authors : zmcj1, Vladimir_Maks, ChiefBYW
game repo:
game engine:
my library:
massive massive thx javidx9!
Double click PixelFPSDemo2.exe
useMouse [true/false] //use mouse or not.
todayIsChristmas [true/false] //Easter eggs
boxheadInConsole [true/false] //Easter eggs
mouseSpeed [0.01-0.1] //mouse Sensitivity
disableBGM [true/false] //disable background music
muteAll [true/false] //disable all audios, disable this option can optimize game.
GQ [1-4] //graphical quality, 1 = low, 4 = ultra
networkRole [1/2] //1 = host, 2 = client
ip ["ip address"] //if you are client, this is target ip address.
After several days of research, New TODO is out:
- Character & Weapon UI, include HealthBar UI, Ammo UI Text and so on.
- Multiplayer mode(using asio): solo 1v1, teamfight 2v2/3v3/4v4/5v5, zombie escape 10 players at most.
- Skybox and more Visual Effect(Muzzle flame, Bullet hole)
- Map editor
- Scene destruction
- Zombies