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- [YouTube Video] Intro to the command line - Navigation
- [YouTube Video] Intro to the command line - Creating files and folders
- [YouTube Video] Intro to the command line - Exploring text data
- Cheat sheet for bash terminal
- Gil Press. (2013). A Very Short History of Data Science.
- Christof Schöch. (2013). Big? Smart? Clean? Messy? Data in the Humanities.
- Matthew Zock and colleagues. (2017). Ten simple rules for responsible big data research.
- Angela Bassa. (2017) Data Alone isn't Ground Truth
- Debanjan Saha. (2020). How the World Became Data-Driven, and What's Next.
- Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu and Lauren Kirchner. (2016). Machine Bias.
- Matthew K. Gold & Lauren F. Klein. (Eds). (2023). Debates in the Digital Humanities 2023.
- Matthew J. Salganik. (2017). Bit by Bit: Social Research in the Digital Age.
- Lucas Ashby, Nicole E. Cote, Kelly Cotton, Yuxiao Luo, Zoë Markovits, and Eva Sibinga. (2020). Report on COVID-19's Impact on CUNY Students.
- Anti-Eviction Mapping Project. (). Worst Evictors Map
- Mobilized Humanities. (2018). Torn Apart.
- Native Land Digital. (2023). Native Land.
- COVID and Cages. (2023). The Covid Prison Project.
- Chelsea Steinaur-Scudder, Adam Loften, and Emmanuel Vaughan-Lee. (2018). Counter Mapping.