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A Discord bot core built upon JDA, written in Kotlin.

Current features

Embed Constructor

A simpler, cleaner way to create a MessageEmbed. The embed constructor has two forms: the inline form, and the structured form. The embed constructor consists of multiple components, all of which are optional. They are as follows:

Name Type Example
author EmbedAuthor See below
color String "#2f3136"
description String "Total stats"
footer EmbedFooter See below
image String ""
thumbnail String ""
timestamp TemporalAccessor
title EmbedTitle See below
fields List<EmbedField> See below

The complex components consist of the following attributes:


Name Type Example Default
name String "zp4rker" null
url String "" null
iconUrl String "" null


Name Type Example Default
text String "Created by zp4rker#3333" null
iconUrl String "" null


Name Type Example Default
text String "Cool embed title" "Title"
url String "" null


Name Type Example Default
title String "Current level" EmbedBuilder.ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE
text String "Lvl. 47" EmbedBuilder.ZERO_WIDTH_SPACE
inline Boolean false true

Inline Constructor

// Example 1
embed(author = author(name = "zp4rker", iconUrl = ""), color = "#568abe", description = "This the embed content.")

// Example 2
embed(footer = footer(text = "Made by zp4rker#3333"), fields = listOf(field(title = "embed #1", text = "here is some text"), field(title = "empty text field"), field(title = "non-inline embed", text = "some text", inline = false)))

Structured Constructor

// Example 1
embed {
    author {
        name = "zp4rker"
        iconUrl = ""
    color = "#568abe"
    description = "This is the embed content."

// Example 2
embed {
    footer {
        text = "Made by zp4rker#3333"
    field {
        title = "embed #1"
        text = "here is some text"
    field {
        title = "empty text field"
    field {
        title = "non-inline embed"
        text = "some text"
        inline = false

Bot constructor

A simple, structured and clean way to build the JDA instance. Below are the current options available within the constructor:

Name Type Default Description
name String "Discore" The name of the bot, used for the default logger.
version String "1.0.0" The bot's version, used in log outputs.
token String "empty" The Discord bot token, used to authenticate the bot. Required
prefix String "/" The prefix for the command handler.
helpCommandEnabled Boolean true Whether or not the default help command should be registered.
commands List<Command> listOf() The list of commands to register on startup.
activity Activity null The activity/status of the bot.
intents Int GatewayIntent.DEFAULT The gateway intents the bot should start with.
cache List<CacheFlag> listOf() Whether or not cache should be enabled.
quit () -> Unit {} The function to run when the bot is quitting.
// Example
bot {
    name = "MySuperCoolBot"
    version = "1.3.7"
    token = "secure.code"
    prefix = "!"
    commands = arrayOf(PingCommand, FunCommand, PurgeCommand)
    activity = Activity.playing("something awesome")
    quit = {"Now quitting...")
        // run some cleanup code

Invoking the bot constructor returns an instance of the Bot class, which has two methods to register commands or event listeners: addCommands(vararg commands: Command) & addEventListeners(vararg listeners: EventListener). When using the bot constructor, the IEventManager is set to InterfacedEventManager(). Using the bot constructor also initialises the following constants:

Name Class