Author: Nicolette Laird
Date: 2019-07-16
Download Miniconda for Python 3. Make sure you download the Python 3.7 installer that best fits your machine.
Install miniconda: In your terminal window, run:
bash Miniconda3-latest-* -b -p $HOME/miniconda rehash rm Miniconda3-latest-*
Follow the prompts on the installer screens
Close and re-open your terminal window to enable changes
If you need help, look through the Miniconda Documentation
Here is a quick guide to Anaconda, although for basic use you don't need to know any of this.
Create a new environment with specific packages:
Install the basic suite of zplab tools into the root miniconda environment.
In a terminal window, run:
-NOTE: replace myenv to the environment name you want
cat > user_env.yml << EOF dependencies: - ipython - numpy - scipy - pip: - git+ - git+ - git+ - git+ EOF pip install --upgrade pip conda update conda conda env update -n myenv -f user_env.yml pip install celiagg --global-option=--no-text-rendering rm user_env.yml
Activate your new environment!
conda activate myenv
NOTE: if you ever need to update to the latest version of zplab-specific libraries, run lines like the following:
pip install --upgrade git+
Use Elegant to annotate centerlines and straighten images of worms!
To begin the general pose annotator, open a terminal and run
A RisWidget window should appear. You can drag and drop images into the window to begin annotating. If you need a specific pixels per micron or load up specific images via command line use:
general_pose_annotator `bc -l <<< 'pixels_per_micron'` 'path to image 1' 'path to image 2'
NOTE: you can add as many images as you want.
You can also access the annotator via ipython. See Elegant Documentation for more help.