GeoEasy can be used on any Window/Linux box. There are no special requirements for the hardware.
- Windows XP/2000/7/8/10 32 or 64 bit
- Linux with X11 Ubuntu/Fedora/Debian 64 bit
- Android (experimental)
To install binary release on your Windows machine download the installer from, it is generated by NSIS (Nullsoft Scriptable Install System), an open source installation kit generator for Windows.
Start the installer (Gizi3xxSetup.exe). First you have to select the language for installation (English, German, Hungarian).
After selecting the language for installation a setup wizard starts. In the first dialog read and accept the license agreement.
In the second dialog select the target folder for the installation. Please do not choose an installation path, which contains space or special characters.
In the last dialog you can start the installation process.
After successful installation the GeoEasy icon can be found on the desktop and in the programs menu.
There is a portable Windows zip file. It should be unzipped into a new empty folder (for example c:\GeoEasy). If you would like to export to GPX or KML format, set up an environment variable PROJ_LIB to the root directory of GeoEasy.
setx PROJ_LIB=C:\GeoEasy
Install tcl/tk on your platform (
sudo apt-get install tcl tk
Install tcllib and libtk-img on your platform (libtk-img is optional used to png export in graphic window.
sudo apt-get install tcllib libtk-img
Install proj (
sudo apt-get install proj-bin
Install GNU Gama ( There is no binary package for Ubuntu, make it from source.
Install Triangle (
sudo apt-get install triangle-bin
There is a Debian package for Debian/Ubuntu Linux distributions which can be downloaded from, it is a standard Debian package (geoeasy*version*-wheezy_all.deb). You can use the package manager to install it (right click on the file in the file manager or use dpkg)
sudo dpkg -i geoeasy*version*-wheezy_all.deb
To start GeoEasy select it from the menu or type in the terminal window:
The Debian install package was created by
There is a compressed Linux binary release which can be downloaded from, it is a simple tar-gzip (Gizi*version*Linux.tgz) file. The following commands have to be executed (it is supposed the tgz file is downloaded into your home directory):
mkdir GeoEasy
cd GeoEasy
tar xvzf ../Gizi3xxLinux.tgz
You can start GeoEasy from the installation directory using the command:
cd ~/GeoEasy
You can create a shell script file to start GeoEasy from any directory.
pushd ~/GeoEasy
Copy this file into a directory on the PATH.
Download the source files from GitHub ( either the zip file or git clone the repository. If you would like to update your version regularly, then the git clone should be preferred.
git clone
This will install the latest development version. If you want to install the stabile version select a zip or tgz file from the page. Change directory to GeoEasy/src and run the following commands from the command line, to prepare it.
cd GeoEasy/src
make source
chmod +x geo_easy.tcl
Make a symbolic link from the GeoEasy/src directory to the external programs.
cd GeoEasy/src
ln -s /usr/bin/cs2cs cs2cs
ln -s /usr/local/bin/gama-local gama-local
ln -s /usr/bin/triangle triangle
Alternatively you can change the path to these programs in the geo_easy.msk file.
set gamaProg {/usr/local/bin/gama-local/gama-local}
set triangleProg {/usr/bin/triangle}
set cs2csProg {/usr/bin/cs2cs}
Or if the commands are on the PATH input only the name of the commands in the geo_easy.msk file.
set gamaProg {gama-local}
set triangleProg {triangle}
set cs2csProg {cs2cs}
The path to the external program may be different, depending on your settings and Linux distro.
To start the program use the following command from the src directory:
cd GeoEasy/src
wish geo_easy.tcl
cd GeoEasy/src
To update to the actual master on GitHub simply git pull it, from the GeoEasy directory.
cd GeoEasy
git pull
The preparation should be repeated (make source).
Usually Tcl/Tk, the necessary programming language is installed on OSX. Please check it from a terminal window.
After this you should see a small empty graphic window in the upper left part of the screen and the prompt in the terminal window is changed to %. Press CTLR/D in the terminal window to exit or close the small graphic window.
For Machintosh there is no binary release. You can use only use the source release. Open a terminal window, change your current directory where you would like to install the software and type the following commands:
git clone
cd GeoEasy/src
make source
wish geo_easy.tcl
This will install the latest development version. If you want to install the stabile version select a zip or tgz file from the page. The last wish command starts the application. If you would like you start it again open a terminal window and change to the installation directory and enter
wish geo_easy.tcl
The menus of the program are in the main menu bar, see the screenshot below.
You can create a small script to automate the startup process.
To have the external tools, like GNU Gama, Triangle, etc. you should install those programs as it is documented in the Ubuntu source install section.
AndroWish installation. Download Android package signed with debug key:
In your Android setting allow packages from unknown sources (in Setting/Security) before installing AndroWish.
Create on your Android device a new folder called GeoEasy. Copy the following files/folders from the source tree:
- GeoEasy.tcl (this file is created during make)
- geo_easy.msk
- i18n (folder)
- bitmaps (folder)
- demodata (folder, optional)
Open the GeoEasy.tcl file with AndroWish. You can use the menu in the tcl console window or write the following commands into the console window:
cd /sdcard/GeoEasy
source GeoEasy.tcl
You'll get warnings about DTM and Network adjustment modules. These modules are not available on Android yet .
The log file is written to the env(HOME) folder. Use "global env; puts $env(HOME)" command to print the path to geo_easy.log file. Use "global env; cat $env(HOME)/geo_easy.log" to list the content of the log in the wish console.