Releases: zubkov-andrei/pg_profile
Release 0.3.4
pg_profile 0.3.4
Provided file pg_profile--0.3.4.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.3.4.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.3.4_manual.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access). Right now export and import functionalities is not supported in manually installed version.
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- support of new statistics of Postgres 14 (session and WAL statistics).
- optimized report building.
- limited relations sizes collection with defined size collection policy will now collect sizes for only seq-scanned or vacuumed tables in each sample providing useful estimations in reports without overall database objects size collections.
- fixed incorrect database growth value in case of database statistics reset in a report interval.
- interval bounds in the report contains timezone now (reported by @antiorum in #21).
- fixed settings collection. pg_profile dump could not be loaded if there was a postgres updrage on the source system.
- fixed statements aggregation in report tables. Due to different query texts the same statement could appear several times in one report section making it difficult to realize workload of the statement.
- other fixes and optimisations
Release 0.3.3
pg_profile 0.3.3
Provided file pg_profile--0.3.3.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.3.3.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.3.3_manual.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access). Right now export and import functionalities is not supported in manually installed version.
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- minor fix: Field ~SeqBytes of report section "Top tables by estimated sequentially scanned volume" was having value of first interval in cells of first and second interval.
Release 0.3.2
pg_profile 0.3.2
Provided file pg_profile--0.3.2.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.3.2.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.3.2_manual.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access). Right now export and import functionalities is not supported in manually installed version.
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- restored statements queryid compatibility with current version of pgcenter utility
- query text storage improved
- linear interpolation of relation sizes slightly optimized
Release 0.3.1
pg_profile 0.3.1
Provided file pg_profile--0.3.1.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.3.1.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.3.1_manual.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access). Right now export and import functionalities is not supported in manually installed version.
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- relation sizes collection policy added
- data export and import feature added
- support of pg_stat_kcache extension version 2.2.0
- server description added
- FIX: template databases are now detected by pg_database.datistemplate field
- fixes and optimizations
Release 0.2.1
pg_profile 0.2.1
Provided file pg_profile--0.2.1.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.2.1.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.2.1_manual.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access).
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- detailed sample taking timings collection feature.
- removed unmeaning zeros from report tables
- Latest two samples report function get_report_latest() added.
- FIX: time range based report-generating calls seldom failed. Reported by @cuprumtan
- FIX: kcache v.2.1.3 support #11 by @guilhermebrike
- FIX: field %Elapsed of sections "Top SQL by planning time" and "Top SQL by execution time"
- FIX: corrected statistics reset detection condition
- FIX: corrected diff reports join condition
- pg_stat_statements queryid field is shown in reports
- fixes and optimizations
Release 0.1.4
pg_profile 0.1.4
Provided file pg_profile--0.1.4.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.1.4.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.1.4_manual.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access).
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- sample() function now tracks time elapsed taking sample on each server
- Top indexes by blocks fetched/read report section now conains index scan count field
- New take_subset_sample() function can be used in parallel samples collection in case of many servers.
- fix of #9 reported by @Guzya - incorrect database and tablespace size in report
pg_profile 0.1.3
Hotfix of #8 reported by @cuprumtan
Provided file pg_profile--0.1.3.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.1.3.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If previous version of pg_profile is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.1.3_sql.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access).
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- Hotfix of #8 reported by @cuprumtan
release 0.1.2
pg_profile 0.1.2
PostgreSQL 13 support - new WAL and Planning time statistics.
Provided file pg_profile--0.1.2.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile--0.1.2.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
If pg_profile v.0.1.1 is installed in your database, it can be updated:
Use provided pg_profile--0.1.2_sql.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access).
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- pg_stat_statements version 1.8 support:
- Statement planning time
- Statement WAL generation
- fix: "Hit(%)" field was incorrectly calculated
- Baseline creation on time range is now supported
- CPU timings are now shown in "Top SQL by elapsed time" if pg_stat_kcache extension was available
- I/O timing statistics added to "Statements statistics by database" section
- "WAL segments archived" and "WAL segments archive failed" statistics added to "Cluster statistics" section
- Workaround for pg_table_size and AccessExclusiveLocks. Now in many cases snapshot will be taken successful without size of locked relation.
- Top vacuum and analyze count tables in reports
- Implicit index vacuum I/O load estimation
- Added trigger functions timing statistics
- Many pg_profile functions renamed to be more standard-compatible (see doc/ file)
- gets renamed to fetches
- snapshots renamed to samples, and snapshot() function renamed to take_sample(), but for backward compatibility snapshot() call is possible.
- retention renamed to max_sample_age
- node renamed to server
- pages renamed to blocks
- fixed issue #7 reported by @kayform
- Added a lot of report-table header hints
- Other improvements
release 0.1.1
pg_profile 0.1.1
Major refactored pg_profile release. Due to total refactoring done in this release, migration from 0.0.7 is very difficult, so right now migration from 0.0.7 is not supported.
Provided file pg_profile-0.1.1.tar.gz is to be extracted into extension folder of postgresql installation:
sudo tar xzf pg_profile-0.1.1.tar.gz --directory $(pg_config --sharedir)/extension
You will need plpgsql and dblink extensions in your database, and pg_stat_statements extension if you need statements statistics. Then, you can create extension in postgresql database:
CREATE EXTENSION pg_profile SCHEMA profile;
Use provided pg_profile--0.1.1_sql.tar.gz file only for manual objects creation in restricted environments (when you have no file system access).
For further setup and usage details refer to doc/ file
- Code reorganization, new Makefile
- Sequential scanned table now sorted by scanned pages estimation
- Order correction in top tables by read IO
- TOAST tables is now calculated and shown with main tables
- More fields in "Top SQL by I/O wait time" section
- Non-superuser install (see Privileges in doc)
- Collect postgres GUC parameters historic values and show them in reports
- Tablespaces support: size, growth and objects belong (Daria Vilkova)
- Fixed object rename issue
- New sections in report: "Top SQL by shared dirtied", "Top SQL by shared written", "Top tables by gets", "Top indexes by gets"
- Improved statement list in reports - now clicked statement_id is highlighted
- Workaround for amazon RDS
- Database sizes is now shown in reports (Daria Vilkova)
- Reports can be generated using time intervals (tstzrange type)
- snapshot_show() now displays info about stats reset, also report contains information about stats reset
- a lot of bugfixes and other improvements
pg_profile v0.0.7
- Interval compare reports
- Sequential scans now ordered by appox. seq. scanned pages (based on relation size)
- Added report examples in repository (issue #5 reported by @saifulmuhajir)
- Simplified baseline management for local node