- the impedance controller: the controller is ok
- the force sensor related: the force sensor is ok
- the IMU sensor related:
- the AUBO5 robot arm: the ros driver is ok
debugging log on 20200703 afternoon:
the force sensor is connected and the data is well received, and the command is: rosrun robotiq_ft_sensor rq_sensor rosrun robotiq_ft_sensor rq_test_sensor
the IMU sensor is connected and the data is well received, and the command is: roslaunch sensor_startup imu_bringup.launch rostopic echo /imu
the AUBO ros driver
debugging log on 20200703 night:
- the USB port of IMU should be plugged in firstly and then the robotiq force sensor USB port should be plugged in
- two USB ports should open: ls /dev/ttyUSB* chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB*
- roslaunch polishing_undervibration test1.launch which aims to run aubo5 arm, imu and robotiq force sensor
20200704 debugging log:
- sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyUSB*
- roslaunch polishing_undervibration polishingcontrol_configuration.launch
- rosrun robotiq_ft_sensor robotiq_ft_sensor
- take the video when polishing tool is away from the wall
- rosbag record -a
- rosrun plotjuggler PlotJuggler
the impedance controller has been added here