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LVGL Joystick Library

This library provides an easy way to create virtual joysticks for use in an LVGL environment. It supports both ESP-IDF and Arduino platforms and allows you to handle joystick input with customizable styles and callbacks.

Virtual Joystic for LVGL


  • Create virtual joysticks with customizable sizes and styles.
  • Handle joystick movement with user-defined callbacks.
  • Allows creation of multiple virtual joysticks, identifiable via ID.
  • Supports both ESP-IDF and Arduino environments.



Install the Joystick Library:

  • Download or clone this repository.
  • Copy the LVGL_Joystick folder to your Arduino libraries directory.


Add Joystick Library as a component:

  • Clone the LVGL Joystick repository into your components/ directory:
mkdir -p components
cd components
git clone


    #include <lvgl.h>
    #include <joystick.h>

    void joystick_position_callback(uint8_t joystick_id, int16_t x, int16_t y) {
        Serial.printf("Joystick ID: %d, Position - X: %d, Y: %d\n", joystick_id, x, y);

    void ui_init() {
        lv_obj_t *screen = lv_scr_act();
        create_joystick(screen, 1, LV_ALIGN_CENTER, 0, 0, 100, 25, NULL, NULL, joystick_position_callback);

You can check more details in the example project.

API Reference

void create_joystick(
    lv_obj_t *parent,
    uint8_t joystick_id,
    lv_align_t base_align,
    int base_x,
    int base_y,
    int base_radius,
    int stick_radius,
    lv_style_t *base_style,
    lv_style_t *stick_style,
    joystick_position_cb_t position_callback)
  • Creates a joystick on the specified parent object.
    • lv_obj_t *parent: The parent LVGL object where the joystick will be created.
    • uint8_t joystick_id: A unique ID for the joystick.
    • lv_align_t base_align: Alignment for the base object of the joystick.
    • int base_x, int base_y: X and Y offsets for the base object's position.
    • int base_radius: The radius of the base (background) circle.
    • int stick_radius: The radius of the joystick (control) circle.
    • lv_style_t *base_style: Pointer to a custom style for the base object (can be NULL to use the default style).
    • lv_style_t *stick_style: Pointer to a custom style for the joystick object (can be NULL to use the default style).
    • joystick_position_cb_t position_callback: Callback function for joystick position updates.


Since LVGL (the current version 9.2.0) does not support multi-touch, you cannot fire two touch events at the same time. More than two joysticks will be available as soon as LVGL is updated.