Scrabble / Wordscape / anagram solver based on prime factorization
) - Involving hard work and struggle
This is an anagram solver based on prime factorization. Instead of trying to match words letter-by-letter, we can assign unique primes to each letter in our alphabet and find anagrams by doing division.
as an example. First we count letter frequency:
5 As
2 Bs
2 Rs
1 C
1 D
So we have a total of 5 letters in our alphabet. We assign primes to each letter, with the smallest primes going to the most frequent letters:
A = 2
B = 3
R = 5
C = 7
D = 11
Note: You need to use the same set of primes for every word, so usually you want to do a frequency count for the entire dictionary and assign smallest prime to largest frequency across the board.
Next we do the math: for each letter in a word, multiply out its prime:
2 3 5 2 7 2 11 2 3 5 2
2 * 3 * 5 * 2 * 7 * 2 * 11 * 2 * 3 * 5 * 2 = 554,400
So we create a mapping where 554400
represents ABRACADABRA
. Lather, rinse and repeat for all of our words to build a dictionary.
Now we want to find out if we can make RADAR
from the letters in ABRACADABRA
. Instead of sorting or scanning through all of the letters, we just do the same mapping for our candidate:
5 2 11 2 5
5 * 2 * 11 * 2 * 5 = 1,100
So we know that RADAR
is 1100
. For every word in our dictionary, we divide the word value by 1100
and see if there's any remainder. If there isn't (if it divides evenly) then we know we have all of our letters in that word.
In our case, we try 554400 / 1100
and we get 504
and no remainder, so RADAR
is an anagram of ABRACADABRA
. The extra 504
is the set of remaining letters multiplied together.
I haven't written the "simple" version to bench against it, but it's pretty fast.
It should be faster than most string-based methods simply due to byte sizes. In our example RADAR
is 1100
which is only about 10 bits, versus storing each character separately is 5 bytes. For ABRACADABRA
the savings is about 20 bits vs 11 bytes. For these simple examples the savings is over 75%, in real life it's more like 25% size reduction versus storing raw bytes.
Testing all words of 8 or fewer letters in SOWPODS takes under a minute on a 2017 MBP:
Hardest word is bumfluff with score of 21936944647909 and 45 bits
Found 10625955 matches
real 0m49.745s
user 2m43.153s
sys 0m11.863s
Even running non-parallel (factoring out ne.evaluate
) is under 3 minutes:
$ time python ./
Hardest word is bumfluff with score of 21936944647909 and 45 bits
Found 10625955 matches
real 2m23.500s
user 2m23.001s
sys 0m0.462s
Note: I thought this was clever and unique, but the first 5 or 6 results for anagram solver python
all reference "use primes for letters". At least this version is a bit faster than those. /shrug