In this project you will use some of your old functions made in your old repository. You will use them with the objective of making a simple text completion/editing/auto-correction tool.
go run main.go sample.txt result.txt
go run main.go sample1.txt result.txt
go run main.go sample2.txt result.txt
go run main.go sample3.txt result.txt
go run main.go file.txt result.txt
func main
func ReadFileToString(s string) string {}
func StringToWriteFile(filename, myString string) {}
func indexOfStartBrackets(s string) []int {}
func indexOfEndBrackets(s string) []int {}
func hasComma(s string) bool {}
func returnSubStrAndNum(newStr string) (string, int) {}
func hexToDecimal(sentence string) string {}
func binaryToDecimal(sentence string) string {}
func up(s string) string {}
func low(s string) string {}
func cap(s string) string {}
func formatPunctuation(input string) string {}
func formatPunctuation2(input string) string {}
func shouldChangeAToAn(word string) bool {}
func transformAToAn(input string) string {}
func removeBracketsContent(input string) string {}
It is recommended to have test files for unit testing.