Arduino has intrigued me ever since I was a little child, and I now own one. Therefore, I'll just be providing example codes here. If another person has the same interest, you can clone this repository.<3
- BASIC: Basic Connections - How to connect Python with Arduino.
- 5VoltOutput: How to get Output (5V) on your desired PIN.
- Key to Output: You can press (INSERT KEY) on your keyboard to get Output. Eg: ON/OFF led or etc
- Internet Connection With Led: If you are connected to Internet LED will be Active else, Buzzer will get activated.
- Heat Sensor: With temperature variation, LED and Buzzer will act.
- Will Keep adding more... Follow Me ON GITHUB and LinkedIn.
- Arduino UNO Board & KIT.
- Python Basics to start.
- Arduino-Ide - Windows
- Serial Monitor - Andriod (Basic Test)
Contributors names and contact info