Neural RNN network generator human passwords
- Keras
- numpy
- matplotlib
- Tensorflow-gpu
- h5py (if you want to save your weighhts or model)
- CuDNN and CUDA (if you want to run on GPU)
- Python 3.6
- TensorBoard
For example, in data folder you can find dataset (ICQ passwords, VK5k pass, etc) You can use any dict, just add it to data
- In tbCallBack function change log_dir param to your log directory.
- Change path param to your dataset folder
For running model just run it from PyCharm or from python console.
I test this model on my notebook (MSI GP72 6QF-275XRU) with
- CPU - Intel Core i7 5700HQ
- OS - Win 10 Corporate
- Python 3.6 from Anaconda
- PyCharm 2017.3
I use last drivers for nvidia, CUDA 8, and CuDNN for CUDA 8