Client for World Tides API compatible with Android, Kotlin and Java applications.
Add the JitPack repo to your root build.gradle
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Declare the dependency in the module's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation 'com.oleksandrkruk:worldtides:1.0.0'
API Request | API version | Supported | Planned |
Extremes | v2 | Yes | Yes |
Heights | v2 | No | Yes |
Stations | v2 | No | Yes |
Datum | v2 | No | Yes |
Following snippet demonstrates how to use world tides lib to fetch tides extremes from
Get Tide Extremes - Kotlin
val worldTides = WorldTides.Builder().build(apiKey)
worldTides.getTideExtremes(date, days, lat, lon, object : TidesCallback {
override fun result(result: Result<TideExtremes>) {
result.onSuccess { tideExtremes ->
// use the tide extremes here as you wish
Get Tide Extremes - Java
WorldTides wt = (new WorldTides.Builder()).build(apiKey);
wt.getTideExtremes(date, 1, latitude, longitude, new TidesCallback() {
public void onResult(@NotNull TideExtremes tides) {
// Use the tide extremes
public void onError() {
// Report an error
This project follows Semantic Versioning.
- This lib uses Retrofit and OkHttp and at the moment it's not possible to pass in you existing OkHttp or other client to be used by retrofit. The plan is to allow the user of this lib to pass in the client to avoid creating multiple clients in your app.