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Welcome to RESTful Contact Book

My name is Nemanja, and this app is made in Django Rest Framework.

Implementations are:
  • CRUD is implemented for contacts
  • When contact is deleted, its status goes to False, and it will not be shown when you list all contacts
  • In endpoint /birthday user should provide Query parameter for filtering data
  • I tried to implement SWAGGER, you can check it here. For now, it is in demo state
  • For authentication, I used JWT Token Authentication
If you interested in my work you can check my portfolio or my GitHub page.


  • Check Swagger page --> (name_app)/swagger/
  • Check Swagger Redoc --> (name_app)/redoc/
  • You can register at --> (name_app)/api/register/
  • You can then login at --> (name_app)/api/login/ <-- You will get the Access Token(last 5 minutes) and Refresher Token(last 2 days).
  • You can get new Access Token --> (name_app)/api/login/refresh/ <-- If you already have a Refresher Token you can get Access Token here
  • To logout --> (name_app)/api/logout/ <-- Your Refresher Token will become invalid

  • To see the account properties go to --> (name_app)/api/pproperties/
  • To edit account go to --> (name_app)/api/properties/update/

  • To see the list of all 'Contacts' go to --> (name_app)/api/contacts/ <-- You can also create 'Contact' there.
  • To access the individual 'Contact' go to --> (name_app)/api/contacts/{int:id} <-- You can update or delete 'Contact' there.
  • 'Contact' wont be deleted instead 'active' will be set to False.

  • To filter Contacts by their birthday go to --> (name_app)/api/contacts/birthday/?is_older_than=YYYY-MM-DD <-- You must provide parameter.
  • When you do provide parameter it will list all contacts that are older than parameter.


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