A weather app made with the V-Play SDK (Qt framework based). V-PLAY SDK
This app is based on the V-Play SDK app demo http://v-play.net/doc/v-play-appdemos-weather-example/
It's add :
- Gettings current user location.
- Do JSON XMLHttpRequest with the user location.
- Parse JSON data from Yahoo Weather API.
- Display the lowest and the highest temperature in °C and °F with a cool animation.
- Including a short description of the current weather state.
- Show the 5-day forecast.
- Also display the humidity in % and the visibility (miles and kilometers).
Since the Yahoo Weather API stopped working for details see this so I have found a fix to bypass this restriction.
To get location : http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20geo.places%20WHERE%20text%3D%22(YOURLAT%2CYOURLONG)%22%20limit%201&format=json&callback=
To get weather data : http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=SELECT%20*%20FROM%20weather.forecast%20WHERE%20woeid%3D%22YOURWOEID%22%20and%20u%3D%22YOURTEMPDEVISECorF%22&format=json&callback=
Enjoy ! 💥💥💥