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Docker Zeek IDS cluster

Zeek IDS can be used in a worker cluster setup. Mutliple slave nodes share the workload of traffic analysis and report to a logger node. The cluster is managed in a centralized fashion by a dedicated manager node.

Official Zeek IDS cluster documentation

This repo provides a docker wrapper around Zeek that allows for a containerized Zeek IDS cluster.

The base image is a raw Zeek IDS installation with python3, librocksdb for broker support and geo data available inside the container: fixel/zeek

Internals and setup

Zeek uses ssh to manage the nodes. The manager node needs to ssh into all slave nodes it wants to manage. Therefore:

  • all slaves have to run sshd
  • ssh has to be possible with PKI only
  • key distribution ?

Security disclaimer

I intend to use this setup on an offline demo environment. I do not have to be concerned about access violations whatsoever. Thus it is ok for me to have fixed ssh keys and that is why I put them on github.

If you want to reuse parts of this project make sure to change the keys and how they are stored + distributed.


Images ship with supervisord (nodaemon). It wraps the sshd and bro processes. Images build against latest Zeek master.

Pre-built images for x86_64 can be found on dockerhub

ARM 64v8

I plan on rebuilding and providing images for 64bit ARM again. The dockerfiles inherit from the debian arm64v8 base image. I need to get the appropiate hardware back first. The images will be uploaded the next weeks.


See the docker-compose.yml and manager/config/node.cfg file. All nodes in the Zeek cluster must be resolvable for the manager (IP or hostname).


Run a minimalistic local cluster of 2 workers, 1 proxy and 1 master (without dedicated logger) with docker-compose

$ docker-compose up             # start the whole thing. daemonize with -d
$ docker-compose down           # (in same directory) tear down cluster, throw away containers

Toy around with it, for example docker inspect zeek-cluster_worker1_1, find the IP and request some port there (locally!). When you now exec into the manager container you should see your request to the worker in the manager logs (current/conn.log)

Custom Scripts

Zeek can be scripted. Per default, it will load the script at $ZEEK_HOME/share/bro/site/local.bro. See also the broctl#bro-scripts documentation.

To add custom scripts just mount a volume into the manager container. See the docker-compose.yml for an example. The manager will populate the scripts to all workers.