is a command-line interface (CLI) tool designed to interact with Madara, providing functionalities to call various RPC methods such as getting the block number, invoking transactions, and more.
Before using the Madara CLI tool, you need to ensure that a Madara node is running. The instructions to run the Madara node are specific to your particular setup, so please refer to the relevant Madara documentation to get started.
Once the Madara node is up and running, you can interact with it using the Madara CLI tool. By default, the CLI tool will attempt to connect to a Madara node running at http://localhost:9944. If your node is running at this address, you can omit the --rpc-url argument. Otherwise, you will need to provide the correct URL using the --rpc-url option.
git clone
cd madara-cli
cargo build
./target/debug/madara_cli get-blocknumber
./target/debug/madara_cli call-contract \
--contract-address 0x49d36570d4e46f48e99674bd3fcc84644ddd6b96f7c741b1562b82f9e004dc7 \
--entry-point-selector 0x2e4263afad30923c891518314c3c95dbe830a16874e8abc5777a9a20b54c76e \
--calldata 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002
Array [
./target/debug/madara_cli invoke-tx \
--signature 0x0,0x0 \
--sender-address 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 \
--calldata 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001111,0x36fa6de2810d05c3e1a0ebe23f60b9c2f4629bbead09e5a9704e1c5632630d5,0x0
Object {
"transaction_hash": String("0x3024c929c1bec3a872441d8ad6a8e5b0c5b931d2bf75dc5dbad2b93c1c4dec0"),
- Get Chain ID:
madara-cli get-chainid
- Get Block Hash and Number:
madara-cli get-block-hash-and-number
- Get Block Transaction Count:
madara-cli get-block-txs-coount --block-reference <BLOCK_REFERENCE>
- Get Block with Transaction Hashes:
madara-cli get-block-with-tx-hashes --block-reference <BLOCK_REFERENCE>
- Get Block with Transactions:
madara-cli get-block-with-txs --block-reference <BLOCK_REFERENCE>
- Get Class:
madara-cli get-class --block-reference <BLOCK_REFERENCE> --class-hash <CLASS_HASH>
- Get Class at Address:
madara-cli get-class-at --block-reference <BLOCK_REFERENCE> --address <ADDRESS>
- Get Class Hash at Address:
madara-cli get-class-hash-at --block-number <BLOCK_NUMBER> --address <ADDRESS>
- Estimate Fee:
madara-cli get-estimate-fee --request-type <REQUEST_TYPE> --max-fee <MAX_FEE> --version <VERSION> --nonce <NONCE> --signature <SIGNATURE> --sender-address <SENDER_ADDRESS> --calldata <CALLDATA> --block-id <BLOCK_ID>
- Get Events:
madara-cli get-events --from-block <FROM_BLOCK> --to-block <TO_BLOCK> --keys <KEYS> --chunk-size <CHUNK_SIZE>
For a complete list of commands and detailed information on their usage, run:
./target/debug/madara_cli --help
If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and create a new branch, then submit a pull request.
Madara is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.