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ролЕЫдер edited this page Mar 26, 2022 · 2 revisions


  1. What Is FacturationSystem?
  2. What Is FacturationSystem For?
  3. What Problem FacturationSystem Solve?

What Is FacturationSystem?

FacturationSystem is an invoice system written in c# that allows the business to manage and control the sending and receiving of invoices for goods and services between companies. Each project part is divided into modules such as product, the customers, users, sales, suppliers, invoices, etc. Furthermore, the system has the following functionalities as well:

  • List of the customers and suppliers.
  • Product inventory and management.
  • Report of sales daily, monthly, yearly, or by a range of date.
  • User controllers.
  • Suppliers and products categories management.

The objective of all these functions is to be able to centralize, control and process all the information related to the business since there is no possible invoice that is not related to a customer or a supplier.

In this way, FacturationSystem offers an overview of economic activity: sales, purchases, customers, suppliers, etc.

What Is FacturationSystem For?

FacturationSystem is useful to take control of inventory from orders to suppliers and also manages the cost for each product. There are many reasons to have an invoice and inventory system. One of the main ones is the incessant search to maintain an avant-garde service that meets the needs of customers or to analyze the benefits of having one.

As the owner of a business, you know that everything related to invoicing (purchase orders, account, payable, reports among other activities) are processes that cannot be left as you do not have the right tools, management could spiral out of control and negatively impact your business results.

FacturationSystem also has the facility to register all your sales, invoices suppliers, etc. This will help you reduce the time spent on performing these tasks manually, while minimizing the chances of fraud or mistakes in billing itself.

The system’s inventory management allows businesses' logistics to be complete, since this function lies in the set of procedures and controls that organize the support of the products offered by your business. Therefore, you will always have a guaranteed supply of raw material to meet customer demand.

What Problem does FacturationSystem solve?

FacturatioSystem solve the following problems:

  • Delays in payment due to rejection of invoices by suppliers.
  • Impediment to cancel the invoice.
  • Loss of control of billing processes.
  • Lack of effective customer service support.
  • Complexity in the use of the billing program.