This is meroshare bot, which will auto apply IPO of different company which are open.
To get started, you need to download this project or can clone this repo on your machine. And you can simply run the file. But before that you need to setup the environment.
pip install -r requirments.txt
# or
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
playwright install chromium
Name,CapitalID,Username,Password,Bank Name,Kitta,CRN,TXN_PIN
For example:
Ram,13700,0124525,password123,NIC ASIA BANK LTD.,10,JYU8281811,1234
"Ram" here is just a placeholder to denote the account, it can be anything you like
Bank Name can be : "NIC ASIA BANK LTD.", "Nabil Bank Limited.", "CIVIL BANK LTD.", "Nepal Investment Bank Ltd." ,"GARIMA BIKAS BANK LTD.", "NMB BANK LTD." (i.e Official Name)
# or