Connects to multiple hosts and parses the certificate, then writes the result to a .csv file.
Thanks to the Research Council of Norway for allowing me to Open Source this project and continue to work on it.
Version 2.0
- Host
- Port
- Hostname
- Common Name
- Subject
- Subject Alternate Name
- Issuer
- Creation date
- Expiration date
- Thumbprint
- Serial Number
- Is the certificate expired?
- Clean up code.
- Add support for ip range as targets.
Add support for target file containing IP:PORT pairs.DoneAdd notification on finished run.Done- Provide more details in notification.
- Improve efficiency.
Set a scheduled task to run the script every month, using the notification feature to to send an email to the person or group responsible for certificates in your organization after each run.
.\CertificateScanner.ps1 -targets
.\CertificateScanner.ps1 -targets, -ports 443,8443 -timeout 500
.\CertificateScanner.ps1 -targets .\servers.txt -ports 443,8443 -output certs.csv -timeout 500
.\CertificateScanner.ps1 -targets .\servers.txt -ports 443,8443 -notify smtp -smtpFrom -smtpTo -smtpServer
The "Targets" parameter can be either a file containing IPs and hostnames, or a list of IPs or hostnames separated by commas. The script will check each server and port pair in sequence, except where the target is a HOST:PORT pair. In that case, only that combination will be checked.
.\CertificateScanner.ps1 -targets,, -ports 443,8443
This will result in the following tests: