Final project of CS50 Robotic
Comparison Rplidar map built via Google-cartographer v.s. Hector SLAM Video:
Setup instruction (in Chinese):
The setup procedure is followed by the Chinese instruction:
Google-Cartographer launch file build (in Chinese):
Since Google changed some of their codes in Cartographer, some part of the launch file build instructions are incorrect, but most of them are correct. The modified launch files are included in the git.
Setup RPlidar On Turtlebot
Install RPlidar ROS with Hector SLAM on Laptop
Install Google-cartographer on Laptop
Create launch files for Hector SLAM and Google-cartographer
Run Turtlebot with RPlidar
Receive ROS data to rosbag
Replay rosbag data on Google-cartographer
Replay rosbag data on Hector SLAM