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LGNC — LGN Contracts



LGNC is a simple yet powerful tool for building services. The general idea is you define your services and contracts in YAML format (see details below), then you generate a codebase for target platform and it does all the boring stuff for you like routing and request validation.

Originally LGNC was developed for internal services communication (game backend, to be more specific), and the priority was to make it real fast and compact. Therefore a dedicated protocol has been developed — LGNP[rotocol] with a respective server — LGNS[erver]. You may call LGNP an abridged version of HTTP, if you wish. LGNS (hence LGNP) is a first class citizen in LGNC ecosystem.

HOWEVER. Let me dispel your concerns with this: LGNC does support HTTP transport, but with some limitations:

  • GET is available only to simple contracts; POST does not have such restriction
  • no basic auth
  • in POST requests data is always sent in body as JSON or MsgPack
  • SSL must be terminated on reverse-proxy level (nginx etc.)


LGNC is not a framework, but a convention on sending requests over networks (not just HTTP): it defines request/response envelope format, ensures that all participants know signatures of all contracts (i.e. no blackboxes/gentlemen's agreements), and guarantees that assertions above will be rock hard regardless of concrete language implementation.

Use cases

There are two main use cases for LGNC:

  1. iOS app + backend: say you have a mobile application*, and most probably you would want it to communicate with your backend. Usually it's a blackbox backend on PHP/Python/Java/.NET/Go, and you send requests to it using Alamofire/URLSession/Swift-NIO. The problem here is that your contract with backend may break at any time, not to mention that you have to map every request/response to a struct/class, and sometimes response might be in a slightly different format (remember that "do we send booleans as true/false or 0/1?" discussion). LGNC allows you to just dodge all that problems, proceeding directly to business tasks. All you have to negotiate with backend team is a contract signature in clean and simple YAML format, after that you generate boilerplate contracts for your app and execute them directly (as code, not JSON or whatever), without having to bother about transport or format details, and in the meantime BE team does precisely the same thing: they generate boilerplate contracts for BE, guarantee them and just hook up business logic to them. You will never catch an "oof, I expected this field to be integer, and it actually is, but for some reason it is in quotes, and because of that Codable failed to decode response entity, le sigh". Even more, if you care about timings (we all hate slow webservices/apps) you don't have to communicate with your backend via HTTP, because LGNC offers you a much simpler and compact TCP protocol LGNP, which does absolutely everything you would generally want from HTTP, just in a more compact way. Still, if certain contract must be available from HTTP, it is totally not a problem, see details below on that.

  2. Second most common use case for LGNC is a microservice system. Contrary to popular belief, microservice architecture is not an enterprise thing (a webstore may consist of auth service, merchant service, billing service, customer support service, and God knows what else), but people are often scared by apparent complexity of it (generally all API endpoints are poorly documented somewhere deep in Confluence, and basically are just gentlemen's agreements), whereas microservice arch is a quite reasonable approach for many (but not all) cases. And LGNC might be the tool for building a reliable, maintainable and robust multiservice stack: you define all your services and contracts in one place that is common for all services (again, your services aren't necessarily written in one language, it just a hub, source of truth), generate skeleton contracts for the service you will implement, as well as contracts for services you want to communicate with, and then just execute those contracts as if it's a module in your service, and not a dedicated service written in a different language on a remote machine.

* It's not necessarily just an iOS app. As we add more languages (like Kotlin), Android apps would also be able to use LGNC absolutely the same way as iOS/macOS ecosystem (and Linux) can do now.

Supported languages

Currently LGNC is fully supported in Swift 5.2 by LGNC-Swift. Closest plans are JavaScript, PHP, Java, Kotlin and Go.


General idea

The first thing you have to do (regardless of target language) is to define your schema. At its simplest, a schema is a list of your services (with contracts) and a shared section which holds entities that are common for two or more services. Shared section is optional, whereas Services section is mandatory (it must contain at least one service). Every service has a Contracts section which contains all service's contracts. Every contract must have Request and Response entries, which are entities. Every entity must have a Fields entry with a list of fields.

Then you do codegen for target language using LGNBuilder (see respective documentation). It looks something like this:

LGNBuilder/Scripts/generate --lang=Swift --input /your/schema --output /your/codebase

You can specify a list of services to generate as a final argument of command, otherwise all services will be generated.

Other useful arguments are --dry-run which will validate the schema and make sure that everything will work and --emit-schema which will output preprocessed schema.

After you've done codegen, you're almost there: all you have to do is to guarantee all contracts in the service you're implementing. Guarantee is a body of a contract: it's a piece of code (an anonymous function, for example) which takes contract request (defined in schema) and request context (request details like remote address and stuff like that), and returns response (also defined in schema, respectively). Optionally, a guarantee body may return a meta result (just a Dictionary<String, String>) along with the response. Additionally, if contract has callback validators, you must also guarantee those. When all contracts are guaranteed, you may start the server (or servers, if your service serves more than one transport), et voilà! You're up and running.

Please refer to target language implementation for complete integration documentation and tutorials. Currently there is only one implementation — LGNC-Swift.

Complete schema example

Let's consider this most comprehensive example containing two services with one and two contracts respectively, and a shared section with two entities:

        One: Bool
        Two: Bool
        Three: Bool
      ParentEntity: Baz
      ExcludeFields: [ One ]
        Two: String
        Four: Int

  DateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSSSxxx" # Optional

    # Optional KV readonly storage
      Key1: Value1
      Key2: Value2

    # Optional, defaults to "LGNS: 1711"
      LGNS: 1711
      HTTP: 1337

        Transports: [ HTTP, LGNS ]
        ContentTypes: [ JSON, MsgPack ]
            stringField: String
            intField: Int
              Type: String
                    Expression: ^[a-zA-Zа-яА-Я0-9_\\- ]+$
                    Message: "Your input is invalid"
                  MinLength: 3
                  MaxLength: 24
                    - { Code: 322, Message: First callback error }
                    - { Code: 1337, Message: Second callback error }
                    - { Code: 1711, Message: "This is seventeen eleven, yo", ShortName: E1711 }
              Type: String
                - first allowed value
                - second allowed value
              Type: String
              DefaultNull: True
                    - lul
                    - kek
              Type: String
                - UUID
              Type: String
              Validators: [ Date, Callback ]
              Type: String
              MissingMessage: "You must enter password"
                Message: "Empty password"
              Type: String
                IdenticalWith: password1
            boolField: Bool
            customField: Baz
            listField: List[String]
            listCustomField: List[Baz]
            mapField: Map[String:Bool]
            mapCustomField: Map[String:Baz]
            ok: List[String]

        IsGETSafe: True
          query: String
          session: Cookie
        Request: Baz
        Response: Baz

Surely, such single-file form is comprehensive, and everything is at hand, but it's not very comfortable for reading (managing two-space indentation is really bad for your eyes). That's why your schema can be safely broken down into arbitary number of pieces and organised as a file structure like this:


Each file here represents a nested level in YAML schema. Every path component means exactly what you think it means :) You don't have to preserve indentation in each file, it will be added automatically during preprocessing. __root__.yml is a magic filename which means that its contents should be applied at current level root. In this particular case we will put there the date format:

DateFormat: "yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSSSxxx"

NB: DateFormat is used for dates validation. If it's not specified in Shared, it defaults to yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSSSxxx.

Services/First/__root__.yml contains supporting contract info:

  Key1: Value1
  Key2: Value2

  LGNS: 1711
  HTTP: 1337

Simple and convenient, isn't it?

NB: if you have your schema in this form (why wouldn't you do that though?), you can always print out complete assembled schema using LGNBuilder flag --emit-schema:

LGNBuilder/Scripts/generate --emit-schema --lang=Swift --input /schema --output /codebase

Service format

Service must contain an entry Contracts with a map (dict) of all contracts.

Service may contain following additional entries:

  • Info is a simple key-value storage for using in contracts bodies. Can be convenient sometimes.
  • Transports is a map of allowed service transports and respective ports they listen on. Service may be configured for different ports at runtime. Default: LGNS: 1711.

Contract format

Contract must contain entries Request and Response which are request and response entities respectively.

Contract may contain following additional entries:

  • URI — universal resource identifier under which this contract will be reachable. Default: contract name.
  • Transports — a list of allowed transports for contracts. Some contracts have to be internal, and for that purpose limiting contract to be executed only via LGNS transport (which allows high security level) is quite handy. Default: all service transports.
  • ContentTypes — a list of allowed content types for contract. Default: JSON.
  • IsGETSafe — indicates that contract may safely be executed via HTTP GET request (instead of POST) with request fields in URL query string. Contract request must only have String/Int/Bool (in true/false string form) fields (including Cookie fields in HTTP headers), otherwise it cannot be marked as IsGETSafe (builder would fail during the schema validation). Default: false.

Entity format

Entity must contain entry Fields with all fields.

Entity may contain following additional entries:

  • ParentEntity: SharedEntityName which means that this entity will copy all fields from SharedEntityName entity (from Shared.Entities section), and add own Fields (overwriting existing fields with same names) after copying fields from parent entity.
  • ExcludeFields: [ fieldName1, fieldName2 ] is relevant only when ParentEntity is specified, it means that when copying fields from parent entity, listed fields will be ignored. To summarize: first we take fields from ParentEntity without those listed in ExcludeFields, and then add fields listed in Fields. Thus ExtendedBaz entity will look like this after preprocessing:
    Two: String
    Three: Bool
    Four: Int

Builtin entities

For your convinience, LGNC has some builtin entities, namely:

  • Empty which is just an entity without any fields. Comes in handy when your contract should have empty request or response.
  • Cookie which represents an HTTP cookie. If your contract is executed via HTTP, and it has a Cookie field in request, it will lookup it in headers first (which are transparently passed to contract as meta, along with request entity), and if it's missing in headers, it will lookup it in request, as usual. If your contract is executed via LGNS, it will lookup it directly in meta, and then in request. If your contract response has Cookie field, and it's executed via HTTP, the cookie will transparently be set to response headers (and meta). Still, it will be available in response body, as contracts are always strict on request/response format.

See language implementation documentation for more details about both these entities.

Field format

As you might've noticed in examples above, field can be in two forms: string and object. String form means that it's just a bare type with all other properties in default (empty) state.

Allowed types

  • String — a UTF-8 string
  • Int — a 64-bit LE integer
  • Float — a 32-bit LE float
  • Bool — simple 1-bit true/false boolean
  • Cookie — an HTTP cookie.
  • List[ValueType]— an ordered list of values of given type
  • Map[KeyType:ValueType] — an unordered map (dictionary). KeyType must be String or Int.
  • Custom type from Shared.Entities section

Object entries

Object field must contain a Type entry. Additionally, a field can have following entries:

  • MissingMessage is an error message if field is missing in request (relevant for non-optional fields only). Keep in mind though that missing isn't equal to empty, see NotEmpty validator. Default: Value missing.
  • IsMutable: true (available in languages which have mutable/immutable variables) makes this field mutable. Default: false.
  • IsNullable: true makes this field optional, but if it's specified in request, all validators are executed. Default: false.
  • AllowedValues: [ foo, bar, baz ] (a shortcut for AllowedValues validator, see below) specifies a list of allowed values for field (applicable only for String fields).
  • NotEmpty: true (a shortcut for NotEmpty validator) if this field is present in request, but is empty, an error will be returned (applicable only for String fields).
  • DefaultEmpty: true (experimental feature) if field is missing in request, assumes its default value (zero for Int, empty string for String etc) or nil (null) if field is optional. Default: false.
  • DefaultNull: true a shortcut for setting IsNullable and DefaultEmpty to true. Default: false.
  • Validators a map of validators (see below).


A field may have an arbitrary number of validators. All validators, with one exception, are executed sequentially (hence, order matters), failing at first error, therefore it is recommended to put lightweight validators on top, leaving heavy validators (Regex, Callback) to the bottom of the list.

All validators (except Cumulative) may have a Message entry with an error message if it fails.

Field may have following validators:

  • NotEmpty is a validator without params, it just ensures that input string is not empty. It is recommended to use it in field body, rather than in validators list.
  • UUID is a validator without params, it ensures that input string is an UUID in hex form (8011b1fb-74b5-4d23-b476-1f3c0e2edae8, case insensitive)
  • Regex does validation against a regular expression in Expression entry
  • In ensures that field value is one of AllowedValues values. It is recommended to use it as AllowedValues in field body, rather than in validators list.
  • MinLength / MaxLength validates input string against minimum or maximum characters length specified in Length param (not ASCII symbols, but rather UTF-8 characters, hence string 💖É💖 must be treated as 3 symbols, not 10). Additionally, this validator may be in int form rather than in object: MinLength: 3.
  • IdenticalWith ensures that target Field value is identical with this one. Main use case is passwords, of course. This validator may be in string form: IdenticalWith: password1.
  • Date is a date validator. It ensures that input string date is in Format/Shared.DateFormat format. If format is not specified in Shared.DateFormat, it defaults to yyyy-MM-dd kk:mm:ss.SSSSxxx.
  • Callback is a special kind of validator. It allows you to specify custom validation for the field. Use cases are username/email lookup in database, custom complex validations, calling external services for confirmation etc. There are two types of a callback validator: the one with arbitrary error messages, and the one with a hardcoded list of allowed errors. If you don't specify Errors key, it's treated as simple callback validator. Its body must return a tuple (pair) of error code (Int) and error message (String), OR a list of such tuples (multi-error). Errors is a list of objects with following entries: Code of type Int and Message of type String. Additionally, Error may contain ShortName key which holds a short name of this error. It's useful for languages with enum data type, like Swift. Otherwise enum key will be just an error message without whitespaces (which isn't really beautiful, let's admit that). Important: target language implementation must ensure that a callback with an allowed list of errors can only return listed errors.
  • Cumulative is another special kind validator which groups all nested validators to be executed in parallel, without fast fail. Thus, field can return arbitrary number of errors. Comes in handy for username (or password) validation.

It is worth noting that before any fields validators are executed, LGNC will ensure that request body contains ONLY entries stated in request schema, otherwise it will return an error {code: 422, message: "Input contains unexpected items: 'foo', 'bar'"}. After that it will build a chain of validators for each field stated in request schema. Each chain (if field is not optional) starts with a validator which ensures that a field is present in the request body and it's of correct type, otherwise field validation would fail with an {code: 512, message: "Value missing"} error (message may vary depending on MissingMessage attribute of field). Thus, LGNC doesn't make a difference between absence of field in request data or invalid field type.


Don't use shared entities outside of contract

tl;dr: LGNC isn't intended to describe your business logic models, it's a layer between outer world and your business logic

It may seem to be a good idea, for example, to define an ultimate shared entity named User and then use it throughout your app as a user model, but in reality it will eventually be re-assembled as someone (maybe even you) edits the schema, and happy you if your code would just stop compiling, because of broken definitions. Worst case scenario is when you don't even notice anything, but your business logic is already silently corrupted, and something isn't working as expected.

Also let's not forget that schema format is rather limited and it can't model everything you would like to express with it (for example, even though it has something like an enum (AllowedValues attribute), it's not translated into actual enum in Swift because of reasons, however you would still like it to be an enum).

Don't mark destructive/non-readonly contracts as IsGETSafe

It's more of a general advice rather than LGNC-related, but still I, quite an experienced web-dev, caught myself a couple of times marking non-readonly contracts as GET-safe, whereas they were write-contracts, hence they were changing something in app state (DB or whatever), which should only be done via POST method rather than GET.


Why not OpenAPI/Swagger? How is it different?

OpenAPI is a total overkill for 99% of web applications, including quite complicated ones. From my personal experience, I've never yet worked on a project that wouldn't be hundred percent satisfied with current (pre-release) LGNC featureset.

Don't get me wrong, OpenAPI is a great and mature tool, but it's just too much, and you can't really use the bare minimum of it while preserving the acceptable level of readability of schemas (manifestos, you name it). LGNC, on the other hand, does precisely that: it's ultra laconic and offers THE featureset you will ever need both in your pet projects and real-world production systems.

Of course, you may find it lacking certain features here and there, but this is what I meant earlier: you just entered that 1% that wouldn't be satisfied by LGNC. And TBH it's totally not what we aim for: we can't and we won't [ever be able to] completely satisfy everyone.

Still don't get it. Is it better than gRPC then?

Here is a flashback. I started building LGNC (and LGNKit in general) back in 2015, when Swift went opensource. For obvious reasons, there wasn't anything at all yet at that time. When we got gRPC/OpenAPI for Swift, it was way too late for me :)

I'm not saying that it's better than gRPC or OpenAPI, I'm trying to say that it does everything I need it to do, no more, no less. This is what makes it better personally for me.


Repository with general info and documentation for LGN Contracts system






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