A repository for the login.gov User Experience (UX) Team to publicly version, store and share assets from the program.
The repository uses the P.A.R.A (Projects, Areas, Resources, Archives) method for organizing and cataloging our files. Any files added to this repository are part of a final approach to a particular cross functional design problem login.gov is aiming to solve.
File naming conventions - start each file with YYYY-MM-DD followed by Jira ticket (if available) and short description to help people scan and find information
The Project folder contains each of the login.gov service buckets of work. Each folder contains a folder named for a specific JIRA ticket (e.g. LG-3009), with a goal and deadline associated with that ticket.
This folder holds specific work related to either user experience or user research assets related to work being done on login.gov.
The Resources folder contains specific assets related to login.gov branding and templates.
The Archives folder contains inactive files that from Projects, Areas and Resources. This includes outdated branded assets and/or when a service bucket no longer is included in our offerings.