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This repository has been archived by the owner on Sep 26, 2024. It is now read-only.

archive closed jobs #587

archive closed jobs

archive closed jobs #587

name: archive closed jobs
# 1000 UTC will always be after midnight ET.
- cron: 0 10 * * *
name: archive closed jobs
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- uses: ruby/setup-ruby@v1
ruby-version: 3.1
bundler-cache: true
# We need to build the site first because that will produce the JSON file
# we need as well as the rendered jobs pages that we might need to add to
# the archive.
- name: build the site
run: bundle exec jekyll build
# Hand it off to some Javascript to do the actual archival work... More
# comments in that script.
- uses: actions/github-script@v6
id: archive
script: |
const archiver = require("./.github/workflows/archive_closed_jobs.js");
await archiver({ core });
# Only do this next step if the archive step above did anything. Here, we:
# 1. Setup a git user because otherwise it won't work (_shrug_)
# 2. Create a local archive/auto branch
# 3. Commit the changes to our local branch
# 4. Force push the local branch up to the archiver/auto branch. If the
# archiver/auto branch does not exist, it will be created. If it DOES
# exist, it will be overwritten. In this way, any existing, unmerged
# archivals will roll up with each new archival.
# 5. Write the body of the pull request into a local file. (This is the
# echo -e step.) This is necessary to capture newlines. The gh CLI
# doesn't seem to like them by itself, so put them in a file and use
# the file as the PR body.
# 6. Create a pull request from the archiver/auto branch into main. If a
# PR already exists for that source/target, this command will fail, but
# in that case we don't care because the PR will have been updated in
# step 4. So to keep this workflow from failing, we throw a "|| true"
# on the end of the command. This ensures the command never fails.
# 7. Set the PR to auto-merge. This is just a convenience, but it's nice.
- if: steps.archive.outputs.archived == 'true'
name: commit the changes
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
run: |
git config --global ""
git config --global "TTSJobs Automatic Archiver"
git checkout -b archiver/auto
git add archive/ positions/
git commit -m "archiving closed jobs"
git push -f origin archiver/auto
echo -e "This pull request was created automatically. It is archiving job postings that are now closed. The pull request will merge automatically once it has been approved.\n\nApproving this pull request will move the following jobs into the archive:\n${{ steps.archive.outputs.archived_jobs }}\n\nNote: These jobs are already shown as CLOSED on the TTSJobs site. This pull request is not necessary to mark these jobs as closed. It is just for moving them to the archive to help keep a tidy repo. 🙂" > PR_BODY
gh pr create \
--title "🛄 Archive closed jobs" \
--label "archive" \
--body-file PR_BODY || true
gh pr merge archiver/auto --auto --squash