Prebuilt filters for Vue.js
npm install vue2-filter-list
When used with a module system, you must explicitly install the filters via Vue.use()
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueFilterList from 'vue2-filter-list'
You don't need to do this when using global script tags.
To use one of the predefined methods (such as limitBy
, filterBy
, find
, or orderBy
) in your component, you also need to add Vue2Filters.mixin
to mixin list:
import VueFilterList from 'vue2-filter-list'
export default {
mixins: [VueFilterList.mixin],
get a collection(array or object) and specified count, and returns all of the items in the collection after the specified count.
collection : [
{ name: 'foo' },
{ name: 'bar' },
{ name: 'baz' },
{ name: 'zap' },
<tr v-for="col in after(collection,2)">
{{ }}
get a collection and properties object, and returns all of the items, in the collection after the first that found with the given properties, including it.
orders : [
{ id: 1, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 15 2014' },
{ id: 2, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 16 2014' },
{ id: 3, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' },
{ id: 4, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 18 2014' },
{ id: 5, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 19 2014' }
<tr v-for="order in afterWhere(orders,{date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014'})">
order: {{ }}, {{ }}
order: 3, Tue Jul 17 2014
order: 4, Tue Jul 18 2014
order: 5, Tue Jul 19 2014
get a collection(array or object) and specified count, and returns all of the items in the collection before the specified count.
collection : [
{ name: 'foo' },
{ name: 'bar' },
{ name: 'baz' },
{ name: 'zap' },
<tr v-for="col in before(collection,3)">
{{ }}
get a collection and properties object, and returns all of the items, in the collection before the first that found with the given properties, including it.
orders : [
{ id: 1, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 15 2014' },
{ id: 2, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 16 2014' },
{ id: 3, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014' },
{ id: 4, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 18 2014' },
{ id: 5, customer: { name: 'foo' }, date: 'Tue Jul 19 2014' }
<tr v-for="order in beforeWhere(orders,{date: 'Tue Jul 17 2014'})">
order: {{ }}, {{ }}
order: 1, Tue Jul 15 2014
order: 2, Tue Jul 16 2014
order: 3, Tue Jul 17 2014
Concatenates an array/object into another one.
array : [ {a: 1}, {a: 2} ],
object : {
0: {a: 3},
1: {a: 4}
<li v-for="elm in concat(array,object)">
{{ elm.a }}
1 2 3 4
<li v-for="elm in concat(object,array)">
{{ elm.a }}
3 4 1 2
- Arguments
- {Array} [items]
- {String} [query]
- {String} [searchKey]
<!-- only items that contain the target string "hello" will be displayed -->
<div v-for="item in filterBy(items, 'hello')">
<!-- the filter will only search for "Jack" in the name field of each user object -->
<div v-for="user in filterBy(users, 'Jack', 'name')">
<!-- the filter will only search for "Bonnie" in the name or age fields of each user object -->
<div v-for="user in filterBy(users, 'Bonnie', 'name', 'age')">
- Arguments
- {Array} [items]
- {String} [query]
- {String} [searchKey]
<!-- only the first item that contains the target string "hello" will be displayed -->
<div v-for="item in find(items, 'hello')">
<!-- the filter will only search for "Bonnie" in the name or age fields of each user object and return the first result -->
<div v-for="user in find(users, 'Bonnie', 'name', 'age')">
Flattens a nested array (the nesting can be to any depth).
If you pass shallow, the array will only be flattened a single level
weirdArray : [[], 1, 2, 3, [4, 5, 6, [7, 8, 9, [10, 11, [12, [[[[[13], [[[[14, 15]]]]]]]]]]]]]
<th v-for="elm in flatten(wierdArray)">
{{ elm }},
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
fuzzy string searching(approximate string matching). Read more
note: use fuzzyBy to filter by one property to improve performance
Usage: fuzzy(collection,search,caseSensitive[optional])
books : [
{ title: 'The DaVinci Code', author: 'F. Scott Fitzgerald' },
{ title: 'The Great Gatsby', author: 'Dan Browns' },
{ title: 'Angels & Demons', author: 'Dan Louis' },
{ title: 'The Lost Symbol', author: 'David Maine' },
{ title: 'Old Man\'s War', author: 'Rob Grant' }
<input type="text" v-model="search" placeholder="search book" />
<li v-for="book in fuzzy(books,search)">
{{ book.title }}
<!--case sensitive-->
<li v-for="book in fuzzy(books,search,true)">
{{ book.title }}
get collection or string and return if it empty[Boolean]
<tr v-for="order in orders" v-hide="orders | isEmpty">
<!-- ..... -->
<!--some replacer msg-->
<tr v-show="orders | isEmpty">
no content to show
Joins the contents of a collection into a string.
By default, it will join elements with a single space, but you can provide your own delimiter.
names : ['John', 'Sebastian', 'Will', 'James']
<p>{{ names | join(', ') }}</p>
<!-- Will print "John, Sebastian, Will, James" -->
- Arguments
- {Number|Array} [items]
- {Number} [limit]
- {Number} [offset]
<!-- only display first 10 items -->
<div v-for="item in limitBy(items, 10)">{{ item }}</div>
<!-- display items 5 to 15 -->
<div v-for="item in limitBy(items, 10, 5)">{{ item }}</div>
<!-- with a Range -->
<div v-for="n in limitBy(10, 4, 2)">{{ n }}</div>
- Arguments
- {Array} [items]
- {String} [sortKey]
- {Number} [order] - default: 1
Sort users by name:
<li v-for="user in orderBy(users, 'name')">
{{ }}
In descending order:
<li v-for="user in orderBy(users, 'name')">
{{ }}
Sort primitive values:
<li v-for="name in orderBy(names, true)">
{{ name }}
Return a new collection from a given length, start, increment, and callback
By default start is 0, increment is 1, and callback is null.
Usage: range(collection,length,start,increment,callback)
<span v-for="i in range([],3)">{{i}},</span>
<span v-for="i in range([],10,10)">{{i}},</span>
<span v-for="i in range([],10,5,2)">{{ i }},</span>
5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23
<span v-for="i in range([],11,4,2)">{{ i }},</span>
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24
double(i) {
return i * 2;
<span v-for="i in range(11,4,2,double)">{{ i }},</span>
8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48
comparison for each element in a collection to the given properties object,
returning an array without all elements that have equivalent property values.
collection : [
{ id: 1, name: 'foo' },
{ id: 1, name: 'bar' },
{ id: 2, name: 'baz' }
<tr v-for="obj in removeWith(collection,{ id: 1 })">
{{ }}
<!-- result:
<tr v-for="obj in removeWith(collection,{ id: 1, name: 'foo' })">
{{ }}
<!-- result:
Reverse the order of the elements in a collection
users : [
{ id: 1, name: 'bazzy' },
{ id: 2, name: 'dazzy' },
{ id: 3, name: 'lazzy' }
<tr v-for="user in reverse(users)">
user: {{ }}, {{ }}
user: 3, lazzy
user: 2, dazzy,
user: 1, bazzy
comparison for each element in a collection to the given properties object,
returning an array of all elements that have equivalent property values.
collection : [
{ id: 1, name: 'foo' },
{ id: 1, name: 'bar' },
{ id: 2, name: 'baz' }
<tr v-for="obj in where(collection,{id: 1})">
{{ }}
<!-- result:
<tr v-for="obj in where(collection,{id: 1, name: 'foo'})">
{{ }}
<!-- result:
ucfirstFilter get string as parameter and return it capitalized
<p> {{ 'foo bar baz' | ucfirst }}</p>
Foo Bar Baz
uppercase get string as parameter and return it uppercase
<p> {{ 'foo bar baz' | uppercase }}</p>
lowercase get string as parameter and return it lowercase
<p> {{ 'Foo Bar Baz' | lowercase }}</p>
foo bar baz
get string as parameter and return encoded uri
{{ | uriEncode }}
get string as parameter and return encoded uri component
{{ 'Some&strange=chars' | uriComponentEncode }}
Transform text into a URL slug. Replaces whitespaces, with dash("-"), or given argument
{{ 'Some string with spaces' | slugify }}
<!--replace with given argument-->
{{ 'Some string with spaces' | slugify('=') }}
Remove accents/diacritics from a string
{{ 'Sòme strÏng with Âccénts' | latinize }}
Some strIng with Accents
return whether string starts with the starts parameter.
usage: string | startsWith('start',case-sensitive[optional])
{{ 'Lorem ipsum' | startsWith('lorem') }}
{{ 'Lorem Ipsum' | startsWith('lorem',true) }}
return whether string ends with the ends parameter.
usage: string | endsWith('ends',case-sensitive[optional])
{{ 'image.JPG' | endsWith('.jpg') }}
{{ 'image.JPG' | endsWith('.jpg', true) }}
strip out html tags from string
text : '<p class="paragraph">Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing...</p>'
<p>{{ text | stripTags }}</p>
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing...
get string with {n} and replace match with enumeration values
<p>{{ 'lorem {0} dolor {1} amet' | stringular('ipsum','sit') }}</p>
<p>{{ '{3} {0} dolor {1} amet' | stringular('ipsum','sit',null,'lorem') }}</p>
<!-- result:
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
<p>lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</p>
<p>{{ 'lorem {0} dolor sit amet' | stringular }}<p>
<p>lorem {0} dolor sit amet</p>
Format a string or a number into a us-style phone number
<p>{{ 1234567890 | phoneUS }}</p>
<p>(123) 456-7890</p>
truncates a string given a specified length, providing a custom string to denote an omission.
usage: string | truncate([length],[suffix-optional], [preserve-optinal])
text : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
<!--should not cut words in the middle if preserve is true-->
<p>{{ text | truncate(7, '...', true) }}</p>
<p>{{ text | truncate( 13, '...') }}</p>
<!--should not touch string that shorter than the provided length -->
<p>{{ text | truncate( 50, '...') }}</p>
lorem ipsum...
lorem ipsum d...
lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
truncates a string given a specified length, providing a custom string to denote an omission.
usage: string | split([delimiter], [skip-optional])
text : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
<p>{{ text | split(' ') }}</p>
<p>{{ text | split(' ', 2)}}</p>
['lorem', 'ipsum', 'dolor', 'sit', 'amet']
['lorem ipsum dolor', 'sit', 'amet']
Reverses a string
text : 'lorem ipsum dolor sit amet'
<p>{{ text | reverse }}</p>
tema tis rolod muspi merol
Wrap a string with another string
usage: string | wrap(string, string[optional])
<p>{{ 'foo' | wrap('/') }}</p>
<p>{{ 'foo' | wrap('{{', '}}') }}</p>
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning and end of a string
<p>{{ ' foo ' | trim }}</p>
<p>{{ 'foobarfoo' | trim('foo') }}
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string
<p>{{ 'barfoobar' | ltrim('bar') }}
Strip whitespace (or other characters) from the end of a string
<p>{{ 'barfoobar' | rtrim('bar') }}
Repeats a string n times
Usage: string | repeat(n, separator[optional])
<p>{{ 'foo' | repeat(3, '-') }}</p>
Test if a string match a pattern
Usage: string | test(pattern, flag[optional])
<p>{{ '15/12/2003' | test('^[0-9]{2}[/]{1}[0-9]{2}[/]{1}[0-9]{4}$', 'i') }}</p>
<p>{{ '0123456' | test('\\D', 'i') }}</p>
Return an array of matched element in a string
Usage: string | match(pattern, flag[optional])
<p>{{ '15/12/2003' | match('\\d+', 'g') }}</p>
['15', '12', '2003']
max find and return the largest number in a given array.
if an expression
is provided, will return max value by expression.
Usage: array | max(expression[optional])
users : [
{ user: { score: 988790 } },
{ user: { score: 123414 } },
{ user: { rank : 988999 } },
{ user: { score: 987621 } }
<p> {{ [1,2,3,4,7,8,9] | max }}</p>
<p> {{ users | max('user.score || user.rank') }}</p>
* 9
* { user: { rank : 988999 } }
min find and return the lowest number in a given array.
if an expression
is provided, will return min value by expression.
Usage: array | min(expression[optional])
users : [
{ user: { score: 988790 } },
{ user: { score: 123414 } },
{ user: { score: 987621 } }
<p> {{ [1,2,3,4,7,8,9] | min }}</p>
<p> {{ users | min('user.score') }}</p>
* 1
* { user: { score: 123414 } }
Returns the absolute value of a number
<div v-for="val in [-2.2, 1.3, '-3.4', '4.5']">The absolute value of {{val}} is {{val | abs}}</div>
* The absolute value of -1.2 is 1.2
* The absolute value of 2.3 is 2.3
* The absolute value of -3.4 is 3.4
* The absolute value of '4.5' is 4.5
Percentage between two numbers
Usage: number | percent(total, round[optional])
, round by default false.
<p>{{ 23 | percent(500) }}</p>
<p>{{ 23 | percent(500, true) }}</p>
Converting decimal numbers to different bases(radix)
Usage: number | radix(base)
<p>{{ 8 | radix(2)}}</p>
<p>{{ 32586 | radix(16) }}</p>
Sum up all values within an array
Usage: array | sum(initial-value[optional])
{{ [2,3,5] | sum }}
{{ [2,3,5] | sum(10) }}
Converts radians into degrees
Usage: radians | degrees(round-to-decimal)
<p>{{ 0.785398 | degrees(0) }}</p>
<p>{{ -1.57 | degrees(3) }}</p>
Converts degrees into radians
Usage: degrees | radians(round-to-decimal)
<p>{{ 45 | radians(2) }}</p>
<p>{{ 180 | radians(5) }}</p>
Converts numbers into formatted display
Usage: number | shortFmt(round-to-decimal)
<p>{{ 45000 | shortFmt(0) }}</p>
<p>{{ 18234822 | shortFmt(1) }}</p>
45 k
18.2 m
Converts bytes into formatted display
Usage: number | byteFmt(round-to-decimal)
<p>{{ 1998 | byteFmt(2) }}</p>
<p>{{ 1339234901 | byteFmt(5) }}</p>
1.95 KB
1.24726 GB
Converts kilobytes into formatted display
Usage: number | kbFmt(round-to-decimal)
<p>{{ 1024 | kbFmt(0) }}</p>
<p>{{ 1049901 | kbFmt(5) }}</p>
1 MB
1.00126 GB
{Number} [decimalDigits] - default: 2
{{ 20 | bytes }} // => 20 byte {{ 2000 | bytes }} // => 1.95 kb {{ 2000000 | bytes }} // => 1.91 MB {{ 2000000000 | bytes }} // => 1.86 GB {{ 2000000000000 | bytes }} // => 1.82 TB
Change the number of digits after the decimal point:
{{ 2000000000 | bytes(4) }} // => 1.8626 GB
{String} [symbol] - default: '$'
{Number} [decimalDigits] - default: 2
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{String} [thousandsSeparator] - default: ','
{String} [decimalSeparator] - default: '.'
{Boolean} [symbolOnLeft] - default: true
{Boolean} [spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol] - default: false
{Boolean} [showPlusSign] - default: false
{{ amount | currency }} // 12345 => $12,345.00
Use a different symbol:
{{ amount | currency('£') }} // 12345 => £12,345.00
Use a different number decimal places:
{{ amount | currency('₽', 0) }} // 12345 => ₽12,345
Use a different thousands separator:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { thousandsSeparator: '.' }) }} // 12345 => $12.345
Use a different decimal separator:
{{ amount | currency('$', 2, { decimalSeparator: ',' }) }} // 12345 => $12,345,00
Use symbol on right:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { symbolOnLeft: false }) }} // 12345 => 12,345$
Add space between amount and symbol:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol: true }) }} // 12345 => $ 12,345
Show the plus sign if the value is greater than zero:
{{ amount | currency('$', 0, { showPlusSign: true }) }} // 12345 => +$12,345
Use multiple options:
{{ amount | currency('kr', 2, { symbolOnLeft: false, spaceBetweenAmountAndSymbol: true }) }} // 12345 => 12,345.00 kr
{String|Array} single or Array(single, double, triple, ...)
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{Boolean} [includeNumber] - default: false
{{ count }} {{ count | pluralize('item') }} // 1 => '1 item' // 2 => '2 items'
Use an array of words:
{{ count }} {{ count | pluralize(['fry', 'fries']) }} // 1 => '1 fry' // 2 => '2 fries' // 3 => '3 fries'
Include number to output:
{{ count | pluralize('test', { includeNumber: true }) }} // 1 => '1 test' // 2 => '2 tests'
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{Boolean} [includeNumber] - default: false
{{ date | ordinal }} // 1 => 'st' // 2 => 'nd' // 3 => 'rd' // 4 => 'th' // 5 => 'th'
Include number to output:
{{ date | ordinal({ includeNumber: true }) }} // 1 => '1st' // 2 => '2nd'
{String} [format] - default: ''
{Object} [options] - default: {}
{String} [thousandsSeparator] - default: ','
{String} [decimalSeparator] - default: '.'
{{ 123456 | number('0,0') }} // => 123,456
Change the number of digits after the decimal point:
{{ 12345.67 | number('0.0000') }} // => 12345.6700
Add a plus or minus sign to the beginning:
{{ 123456 | number('+0') }} // => +123456 {{ 123456 | number('-0') }} // => -123456
Show number in thousand (K) or in millions (M):
{{ 123456 | number('0a') }} // => 123K {{ 123456 | number('0 a') }} // => 123 K {{ 123456789 | number('0a') }} // => 123M
Use a different thousands separator:
{{ 1234567 | number('0,0', { thousandsSeparator: ' ' }) }} // => 1 234 567
Use a different decimal separator:
{{ 12345.67 | number('0.00', { decimalSeparator: '|' }) }} // => 12,345|67
-Converts date to given format
date:new Date()
{{ date | dateFormat('YYYY-MM-DD')}}
-Converts javascript object to json string
users : [
{ user: { score: 988790 } },
{ user: { score: 123414 } },
{ user: { rank : 988999 } },
{ user: { score: 987621 } }
{{ users | json}}
If you find a bug or want to contribute to the code or documentation, you can help by submitting an issue or a pull request.