- Add various noise types to images such as uniform, guassian & salt-pepper noise.
- Filtration of noisy images using low pass filters such as: average, Gaussian, median filters.
- Edge detection using variety of masks such as: Sobel, Prewitt, Roberts and canny edge detectors.
- Change RGB images to grayscale
- View histograms of images and show equalization & normalization of image.
- Add frequency domain filters such as low-pass, high-pass & Gaussian filters.
- Mix images in frequency domain to get Hybrid images.
- Apply Hough transform for detecting parametric shapes like circles, ellipses and lines
- Apply Active Contour Model for semi-supervised shape delineation.
- Extract the unique features in all images using Harris operator
- Generate feature descriptors using scale invariant features (SIFT).
- Match the image set features using sum of squared differences (SSD) and normalized cross correlations (NCC).
- Apply thresholding using optimal thresholding, Otsu, spectral thresholding (more than 2 modes), local & global thresholding.
- Do unspervised segmentation using k-means, region growing, agglomerative and mean shift methods.
- Detect faces (color or grayscale)
- Recognize faces based on PCA/Eigen analysis
ActiveContours: Includes active contours class related codes
- active_contour.cpp /.h
- image.cpp /.h
- utils.cpp/.h
FaceRegonsition: Includes face detection and recognistion code including pca and eigen analysis
- detectFaces.cpp /.h
Filters : Includes implementation for filtration functions (requirements 1-3)
- edgedetectors.cpp/.h
- noiseaddiatves.cpp/.h
- imagesmoothers.cpp/ .h
- threshold.cpp/ .h
Frequency : Includes implementation for frequency domain related tasks
- fouriermixer.cpp/ .h
Harris: Includes Harris Corner Operator Class
- harrisoperator.cpp/ .h
Helpers : Includes the helper functions used all over program like converting images to view them.
- helperfunctions.cpp/ .h
Histograms : Includes implementation for histogram related tasks.
- histograms.cpp/ .h
Hough: Includes implementation classes of hough transform of Lines, Circles & Ellipses
- houghcircle.cpp/ .h
- houghellipse.cpp/ .h
- houghline.cpp/ .h
Segementation: Includes segementation classes
- kmeanssegmentation.cpp/ .h
- meanshift.cpp/ .h
- agglomerative.cpp/.h
- regiongrowing.cpp/ .h
SSD_NCC: Includes SIFT & image matching classes
- ssd_ncc.cpp/ .h
Thresholding: Includes Thresholding related tasks
- Thresholding.cpp/ .h
UI files: has the ui files
- mainwindow.cpp/ .h/ .ui
- filterwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
- histogramswidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
- houghwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
- mixingwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
- facerecognitionwidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
- matchingWidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
- segementationWidget.cpp/ .h/ .ui
Assets : folder contains program assets like UI SVGs, images to test implementation & Cascading Face Classifer xml file.
- Qt Version 6.4.2
- Qt Charts
- OpenCV 4.7.0
- Download and Install Qt from the online installer using minGW 64 architecture.
make sure that QtCharts is enabled
- Download and build openCV 4.7.0 from their website
if you don't know how to build openCV on your PC please refer to the installCV.md
Go to the project.pro file and make sure that openCV libraries are refered to in your pc like that.
INCLUDEPATH += <yourCV build folder path>\install\include
LIBS += -L<yourCV build folder path>\release\lib \
-lopencv_calib3d470 \
-lopencv_core470 \
-lopencv_features2d470 \
-lopencv_flann470 \
-lopencv_highgui470 \
-lopencv_imgproc470 \
-lopencv_imgcodecs470 \
-lopencv_photo470 \
-lopencv_stitching470 \
-lopencv_ts470 \
-lopencv_video470 \
-lopencv_videoio470 \
-lopencv_objdetect470 \
- Build the project
- Run the project
- Filters Tab
- Hybrid Image Tab
- Histograms Tab
- Hough Trasform & Active Contours Tab
- Harris & SIFT Tab
- Segementation Tab
Face Detection & Recognistion Tab
Second Semester - Computer Vision (SBE3230) class project created by:
Team Members' Names | Section | B.N. |
Ibrahim Mohamed | 1 | 2 |
Mahmoud Yaser | 2 | 30 |
Maye Khaled | 2 | 40 |
Marina Nasser | 2 | 12 |
Omnia Sayed | 1 | 14 |
- Eng. Peter Emad & Eng. Laila Abbas All rights reserved © 2022 to Team 5 - Systems & Biomedical Engineering, Cairo University (Class 2024)