Generate strong passwords based on secure, random and unique data created in native for react native applications
npm install react-native-password-generator
import { generatePassword } from 'react-native-password-generator';
// ...
generatePassword({ length: 24 })
.then(pwd => {
console.log(`Generated password: ${pwd}`);
// Generated password: {"password": "S]4O?Y1-[!*=!2<5mi}7Znai", "strength": "strong"}
.catch(e => console.error(`Generating password error: ${pwd}`));
if no passwordConfig object is passed, it'll use the default config object:
length: 20,
lowercaseIncluded: true,
uppercaseIncluded: true,
numbersIncluded: true,
symbolsIncluded: true,
Hayr Hotoca | @1limxapp
This package is used in my cross-platform app called 1LimX
See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
Made with create-react-native-library