enter this code at terminal
pyuic5 -x _uiFiles/example.ui -o modules/UI.py
before : using UI
after : using PY
enter this code at terminal
move to "modules" folder -> typo this code
cd modules
pyinstaller -w -F basics.py
Project File
Stop or Exit Video Player
Control UI
More Sensitive Keyboard Press
we have to read path in Edit Text Box.
1st sentence is "Find File Path"
2nd sentence is "Convert List to String"
3rd sentence is "Append Later Finding"
pyinstaller -F -w --exclude pandas, --exclude numpy basi.py
we can Size Down 290MB -> 57MB
- But we use cv2, it need numpy. so other method apply to reduce size...
- Make Virtual Enviroment in PyCharm
error: (-27:Null pointer) NULL window: 'video_1' in function 'cvMoveWindow'
latest version occured with my code.
so call back last version.
- Result