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Opensearch Repository

samithiwat edited this page Feb 11, 2023 · 6 revisions

About Opensearch Repository

Opensearch repository is the interface repository for query the data from opensearch database.

Getting Start


Opensearch repository can be initialize by NewOpenSearchRepository method with the OpensearchDocumentAble entity

repo := gosdk.NewOpenSearchRepository[*portfolio.Portfolio](*Logger, *OpensearchClient)



name description
Logger the logger service
Opensearch Client the client of the opensearch for calling an API


name description example
repo the opensearch repository instance



The field that use to search for autocomplete suggestion

type Suggestion struct {
	Input  []string `json:"input" mapstructure:"input"`
	Weight int      `json:"weight" mapstructure:"weight"`
name description
input name of the inputs that use as keyword for suggestion
weight the boots use for calculate the search score


The type of struct that can use with OpensearchRepository

type OpenSearchDocumentAble interface {
	ToDoc() any
	GetID() string


Create Index

This library provided the method to create an index for the documents

if err := repo.CreateIndex(indexName, indexJsonRaw); err != nil {
    // handle error


name description example
indexName the name of index that you want to create my-index-1
indexJsonRaw the json raw data in []byte


This library provided the method to insert a document

if err := repo.Insert(indexName, docId, docData); err != nil {
    // handle error


name description example
indexName the name of index that you want to insert document my-index-1
docId define id of the documentation 1
docData raw data in []byte

Insert Bulk

This library provided the method to insert the bulk of documents

if err := repo.InsertBulk(indexName, docDataList); err != nil {
    // handle error


name description example
indexName the name of index my-index-1
docDataList the slice of docData that match with the type that you define when initialize repository


This library provided the method for searching documents in database

if err := repo.Search(indexName, *request, *result, *paginationMetadata); err != nil {
    // handle error


name description example
indexName the name of index my-index-1
request the search request for convert to JSON in format *map[string]interface{}
result the *map[string]interface{} for search result
paginationMetadata the PaginationMetadata from Base Entity


This library provided the method for searching documents in database

if err := repo.Suggest(indexName, *request, *result); err != nil {
    // handle error


name description example
indexName the name of index my-index-1
request the suggest request for convert to JSON in format *map[string]interface{}
result the *map[string]interface{} for suggest result