A list of lightweight [versions of] websites without all the bloat. Websites included include no, or very little JavaScript and are smaller than 1MB in size (usually smaller by a significant margin). We love websites like Motherfucking Website.
This list is still young and I would like to hear your feedback on what should or should not be included, please submit an issue or contribute to on-going discussions.
Add a website by reading CONTRIBUTING.md
- CNN Lite - A lite version of CNN.com
- NPR Text-Only - Text-only version of NPR.org
- Pxlet - Lite index of various websites including Hacker News, Reddit, Slashdot and more
- SkimFeed - Tech News aggregator
- Hackaday - Fresh Hacks Every Day from around the Internet
- Reuters - A lite version of reuters.com
- Techdirt Lite - Text-only version of techdirt.com
- laarc - a tech mashup of Hacker News and Reddit by two long time fans of both forums
- CBC - a lite version of cbc.ca
- Legible News - News published once per day that link judiciously to Wikipedia articles
- Facebook - Basic mode of Facebook
- Lobsters - A technology-focused community centered around link aggregation and discussion
- Hacker News - A social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship.
- Reddit - Reddit .compact view
- Twitter - A faster, data friendly way to use Twitter
- Tilde - not a social network it is one tiny totally standard unix computer that people respectfully use together in their shared quest to build awesome web pages
- Mataroa - Minimal blogging platform with export as first-class feature.
- Haven - Self hostable social networking alternative. Open source; uses RSS; minimal with no ads, tracking, or JS frameworks.
- Wikipedia - A free online encyclopedia with the aim to allow anyone to edit articles
- Gmail Basic - Basic HTML version of Gmail
- Gmail Mobile - Minimalistic mobile version of Gmail
- Project Gutenberg - A volunteer effort to digitize and archive cultural works
- Afrika Radyo - An internet radio with emphasis on African and middle-eastern music.
- Super Simple Lorem Ipsum - Super simple lorem ipsum
- DuckDuckGo - A lite version of duckduckgo.com
- wiby - A search engine for lightweight websites
- Conventional Commits - The Conventional Commits specification proposes introducing a standardized lightweight convention on top of commit messages.
- Txti - A simple app that lets you create fast web pages for everybody
- Gnod - A set of AI-powered tools for discovering new things
- 10kb Gallery - art within 10,000 bytes
- qwsx - URL Shortener
- emuparadise - Place to download and play old-school retro video games
- tucktools - Free online tools - Needs JavaScript to work
- privado - A lightweight search engine that doesn't IP address or searches in any identifiable way
- UnitPrice - A simple price analysis tool for purchasing bulk goods on Amazon
- okaycup - A text-based website that compares varieties of coffee k-cup pods
- MinWiz - A starter kit for viable, production-ready, lightweight websites
- trends24 - Twitter trending hashtags and topics
To the extent possible under law, Mahdi Dibaiee has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.