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Merge pull request #112 from 2bitdesigns/4bitcss-docker
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4bitcss 0.1.5
  • Loading branch information
StartAutomating authored Nov 10, 2024
2 parents 87e85b9 + 015ae0e commit efd309c
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Showing 1,782 changed files with 30,434 additions and 3,155 deletions.
9 changes: 3 additions & 6 deletions .github/workflows/Build4bitcss.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ jobs:
Install-Module -Name Pester -Repository PSGallery -Force -Scope CurrentUser -MaximumVersion $PesterMaxVersion -SkipPublisherCheck -AllowClobber
Import-Module Pester -Force -PassThru -MaximumVersion $PesterMaxVersion} @Parameters
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: RunPester
id: RunPester
shell: pwsh
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -92,9 +92,6 @@ jobs:
$result =
Invoke-Pester -PassThru -Verbose -OutputFile ".\$moduleName.TestResults.xml" -OutputFormat NUnitXml @codeCoverageParameters
"::set-output name=TotalCount::$($result.TotalCount)",
"::set-output name=PassedCount::$($result.PassedCount)",
"::set-output name=FailedCount::$($result.FailedCount)" | Out-Host
if ($result.FailedCount -gt 0) {
"::debug:: $($result.FailedCount) tests failed"
foreach ($r in $result.TestResult) {
Expand All @@ -106,7 +103,7 @@ jobs:
} @Parameters
- name: PublishTestResults
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: PesterResults
path: '**.TestResults.xml'
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,7 +490,7 @@ jobs:
if: ${{ success() }}
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v2
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Use PSSVG Action
uses: StartAutomating/PSSVG@main
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions 4bit.js

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

40 changes: 15 additions & 25 deletions 4bitcss.psd1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
ModuleVersion = '0.1.4'
ModuleVersion = '0.1.5'
RootModule = '4bitcss.psm1'
Description = 'CSS3 Color Schemes'
Description = 'CSS3 Color Schemes for 4-bit color palettes'
Guid = '93e1d6ab-ce88-4751-bb14-b21fbb9f66f3'
CompanyName = 'Start-Automating'
Author = 'James Brundage'
Expand All @@ -14,36 +14,26 @@
> Like It? [Star It](
> Love It? [Support It](
## 0.1.4:
## 0.1.5:
* So many more new palettes!
* `-background` classes (#42)
* `$psStyle` compatibility (#43, #52, #53, #54, #55, #56, #57, #58)
* Producing additional files:
* A .txt file per palette (#61)
* Palettes.json (#60)
* Palette-List.json, Dark-Palette-List.json, Bright-Palette-List.json
* `<select>` support (#39)
* Fixing strokes (#59)
* Adding Docker Image (#49, #50, #51)
* Module Improvements
* Mounting 4bitcss (#48)
* Exporting `$4bitcss` (#47)
* Repository Cleanup (#44, #45, #46)
* New Commands
* Convert-4bitName (#33)
* Export-4bitJS (#32)
* Export-4bitSVG (#34)
* Allowing color palettes without `selectioncolor` or `cursorcolor` (#31)
* Putting Palettes into directories (#30)
* 336 color palettes (and counting)!
* Improved functionality
* Support for `<button>` (#96)
* `carat-color` support (#97)
* HighlightJS support (#104, #105, #107)
* Added json data files and credits (#79, #80)
* Adding `--Luma` and `--Contrast` to CSS (#94, #95)
* 4bitcss Docker Container (#74, #75, #76, #77)
* Animated Palette Example (#109, #111)
* Improved documentation and examples
Additional History in [Changelog](
WebSite = @{
Website = @{
Url = ''
Tech = 'Jekyll'
Platform = 'Jekyll'
Root = '/docs'
Expand Down
39 changes: 39 additions & 0 deletions Build/4bitcss.PSSVG.ps1
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,45 @@ svg -ViewBox 640, 240 @(
) -OutputPath (Join-Path $docsRoot .\4bitpreviewtemplate.svg) -Class background-fill

svg -ViewBox 1920, 1080 @(
svg.rect -Width 300% -Height 300% -X -100% -Y -100% -Class 'background-fill'

$initialRadius = (1080/2) - 42
$wobble = .23
$flipFlop = 1
$duration = "04.2s"
filter wobbler {
$initialRadius * (($wobble * $flipFlop) + 1)
SVG.ellipse -Id 'foregroundCircle' -Cx 50% -Cy 50% -RX $initialRadius -Ry $initialRadius -Class 'foreground-fill' -Children @(
SVG.animate -Values "$initialRadius;$(wobbler);$initialRadius" -AttributeName 'rx' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite
$flipFlop *= -1
SVG.animate -Values "$initialRadius;$(wobbler);$initialRadius" -AttributeName 'ry' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite

SVG.animate -Values "1;.42;1" -AttributeName 'opacity' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite

foreach ($n in 0..7) {
$initialRadius -= 23
SVG.ellipse -Id "ANSI${N}-Ellipse" -cx 50% -cy 50% -rx $initialRadius -ry $initialRadius -Class "ansi$n-fill" -Fill $($colors[$n]) -Children @(
SVG.animate -Values "$initialRadius;$(wobbler);$initialRadius" -AttributeName 'rx' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite
$flipFlop *= -1
SVG.animate -Values "$initialRadius;$(wobbler);$initialRadius" -AttributeName 'ry' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite

SVG.animate -Values "1;.42;1" -AttributeName 'opacity' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite
$initialRadius -= 16
SVG.ellipse -Id "ANSI$($N + 8)-Ellipse" -Cx 50% -Cy 50% -RX $initialRadius -Ry $initialRadius -Class "ansi$($n + 8)-fill" -Fill $($colors[$n]) -Children @(
SVG.animate -Values "$initialRadius;$(wobbler);$initialRadius" -AttributeName 'rx' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite

$flipFlop *= -1
SVG.animate -Values "$initialRadius;$(wobbler);$initialRadius" -AttributeName 'ry' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite

SVG.animate -Values "1;.42;1" -AttributeName 'opacity' -Dur $duration -RepeatCount indefinite
) -OutputPath (Join-Path $includesRoot .\Animated-Palette.svg) -Class background-fill

Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $docsRoot .\4bitpreviewtemplate.svg) -Destination (Join-Path $assetsRoot ..\4bitpreviewtemplate.svg) -Force -PassThru
Copy-Item -Path (Join-Path $docsRoot .\4bitpreviewtemplate.svg) -Destination (Join-Path $includesRoot .\4bitpreviewtemplate.svg) -Force -PassThru

Expand Down
115 changes: 88 additions & 27 deletions Build/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,20 +1,44 @@
Push-Location ($PSScriptRoot | Split-Path)
# If running in a github workflow or not on C: drive, clone the repo.
if ($env:GITHUB_WORKSPACE -or ($home -notmatch '^C:')) {
# clone the iTermColorSchemes repo
git clone | Out-Host

# and get all of the JSON files from it
$jsonFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path iTerm2-Color-Schemes -Recurse -Filter *.json |
Where-Object Fullname -like '*terminal*' |
Where-Object FullName -notlike '*templates*'
} else {
# Otherwise get them locally
$jsonFiles = Get-ChildItem $home\documents\git\iTerm2-Color-Schemes -Recurse -Filter *.json |
Where-Object Fullname -like '*terminal*' |
Where-Object FullName -notlike '*templates*'
# clone the iTermColorSchemes repo
git clone | Out-Host

# and get all of the JSON files from it
$jsonFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path iTerm2-Color-Schemes -Recurse -Filter *.json |
Where-Object Fullname -like '*terminal*' |
Where-Object FullName -notlike '*templates*'

# Get the credits from the file in the iTerm2-Color-Schemes repo
$creditLines = Get-Content -Path (Join-Path iTerm2-Color-Schemes
# and declare a small pattern to match markdown links
$markdownLinkPattern = '\[(?<text>.+?)\]\((?<link>.+?)\)'
# and a filter to get the credits from the file
filter GetCredits {
$colorSchemeName = $_
$colorSchemePattern = [Regex]::Escape($colorSchemeName) -replace '\\ ', '\s'
foreach ($line in $creditLines) {
if (-not $line ) { continue }
if ($line -notmatch $colorSchemePattern) {
if ($line -notmatch $markdownLinkPattern) {
[Ordered]@{credit=$Matches.text; link=$}

filter GetLuma {
$colorString = $_
# Convert the background color to a uint32
$rgb = ($colorString -replace "#", "0x" -replace ';') -as [UInt32]
# then make it into a percentage red, green, and blue.
$r, $g, $b = ([float][byte](($rgb -band 0xff0000) -shr 16)/255),
([float][byte](($rgb -band 0x00ff00) -shr 8)/255),
([float][byte]($rgb -band 0x0000ff)/255)

# Calculate the luma of the background color
0.2126 * $R + 0.7152 * $G + 0.0722 * $B

# Import the module
Import-Module .\4bitcss.psd1 -Global
Expand All @@ -39,35 +63,64 @@ $allColorSchemes = @()
$brightColorSchemes = @()
$darkColorSchemes = @()

$allPalletes = [Ordered]@{}
$allPalettes = [Ordered]@{}

# Walk thru each json file of a color scheme
foreach ($jsonFile in $jsonFiles) {
# convert the contents from JSON
$jsonObject = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($jsonFile.FullName) | ConvertFrom-Json
# convert the contents from JSON
$jsonContent = [IO.File]::ReadAllText($jsonFile.FullName)
$jsonObject = $jsonContent | ConvertFrom-Json
# and determine the name of the scheme and it's files.
$colorSchemeName = $jsonObject.Name
$colorSchemeFileName =
$jsonObject.Name | Convert-4BitName

$creditInfo = @($colorSchemeName | GetCredits)[0]
$jsonObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty creditTo -Force -PassThru -Value $ |
Add-Member NoteProperty creditToLink -Force -Value $

if ($jsonObject.background) {
$jsonObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty luma -Force -Value $($jsonObject.Background | GetLuma)

if ($jsonObject.foreground -and $jsonObject.background) {
$jsonObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty contrast -Force -Value $(
($jsonObject.background | GetLuma) - ($jsonObject.foreground | GetLuma)

$jsonObject |
Add-Member NoteProperty contrast -Force -PassThru -Value @($jsonObject.Background | GetLuma)

if (-not $colorSchemeFileName) { continue }
$distinctColors = @($jsonObject.psobject.Properties.value) -match '^#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}' | Select-Object -Unique

$allPalletes[$colorSchemeFileName] = $jsonObject
$allPalettes[$colorSchemeFileName] = $jsonObject
# If the name wasn't there, continue.
if (-not $jsonObject.Name) { continue }
# If it wasn't legal, continue.
if ($jsonObject.Name -match '^\{') { continue }
$cssPath = (Join-Path $pwd css)
$jsonPath = (Join-Path $pwd json)
# Export the theme to /css (so that repo-based CDNs have a logical link)
$jsonObject | Export-4BitCSS -OutputPath $cssPath -OutVariable colorSchemeCssFile

$jsonObject | Export-4BitJSON -OutputPath (
Join-Path $jsonPath "$colorSchemeFileName.json"
) -OutVariable colorSchemeJsonFile
$ColorSchemePath = Join-Path $docsPath $colorSchemeFileName
if (-not (Test-Path $ColorSchemePath)) {
$null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $ColorSchemePath
# Then export it again to /docs (so the GitHub page works)
$jsonObject | Export-4BitCSS -OutputPath $ColorSchemePath
$jsonObject | Export-4BitJSON -OutputPath (
Join-Path $ColorSchemePath "$colorSchemeFileName.json"
) -OutVariable colorSchemeJsonFile
$dotTextPath = Join-Path $ColorSchemePath "$colorSchemeFileName.txt"
$distinctColors -join ';' | Set-Content -Path $dotTextPath -Encoding utf8
Get-Item -Path $dotTextPath
Expand All @@ -84,6 +137,7 @@ foreach ($jsonFile in $jsonFiles) {

# Create a preview file. All we need to change is the stylesheet.
$previewFilePath = Join-Path $ColorSchemePath "$"

stylesheet: /$colorSchemeFileName/$colorSchemeFileName.css
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,13 +198,13 @@ Get-Item -Path $allDarkSchemesPath
Get-Item -Path $allDarkSchemesPath |
Copy-Item -Destination $DataPath -Force -PassThru

$allPalletesPath = Join-Path $docsPath "Palletes.json"
$allPalletes |
$allPalettesPath = Join-Path $docsPath "Palettes.json"
$allPalettes |
ConvertTo-Json -Depth 4 -Compress |
Set-Content -Path $allPalletesPath
Set-Content -Path $allPalettesPath

Get-Item -Path $allPalletesPath
Get-Item -Path $allPalletesPath |
Get-Item -Path $allPalettesPath
Get-Item -Path $allPalettesPath |
Copy-Item -Destination $DataPath -Force -PassThru

$4bitJS = Export-4BitJS -ColorSchemeName $allColorSchemes -DarkColorSchemeName $darkColorSchemes -LightColorSchemeName $LightColorSchemeName
Expand All @@ -168,6 +222,7 @@ if (-not (Test-Path $IncludesPath)) {

Export-4BitSVG -SVG -Stroke "ansi6" -OutputPath (Join-Path $IncludesPath "download-icon.svg")
Export-4BitSVG -SVG -Stroke "ansi6" -OutputPath (Join-Path $IncludesPath "github-icon.svg")
Export-4BitSVG -SVG -Stroke "ansi6" -OutputPath (Join-Path $IncludesPath "download-cloud-icon.svg")
Export-4BitSVG -SVG -Stroke "ansi6" -OutputPath (Join-Path $IncludesPath "shuffle-icon.svg")
Export-4BitSVG -SVG -Stroke "ansi6" -OutputPath (Join-Path $IncludesPath "help-circle-icon.svg")
Expand All @@ -177,8 +232,10 @@ Export-4BitSVG -SVG
Get-Module 4bitcss |
Split-Path |
Join-Path -ChildPath Assets |
Get-ChildItem -Filter 4bitpreview.svg |
Copy-Item -Destination (Join-Path $IncludesPath "4bitpreview.svg") -Force -PassThru
Get-ChildItem -Filter 4bit*.svg |
Copy-Item -Destination {
Join-Path $IncludesPath "$($_.Name)"
} -Force -PassThru

$defaultColorScheme = 'Konsolas'
Expand All @@ -194,4 +251,8 @@ $transpiledText
"@ |
Set-Content (Join-Path $docsPath "") -Encoding utf8
Get-item -Path (Join-Path $docsPath "")
#endregion Icons
#endregion Icons

Remove-Item -Path iTerm2-Color-Schemes -Recurse -Force
17 changes: 16 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
## 0.1.5:

* 336 color palettes (and counting)!
* Improved functionality
* Support for `<button>` (#96)
* `carat-color` support (#97)
* HighlightJS support (#104, #105, #107)
* Added json data files and credits (#79, #80)
* Adding `--Luma` and `--Contrast` to CSS (#94, #95)
* 4bitcss Docker Container (#74, #75, #76, #77)
* Animated Palette Example (#109, #111)
* Improved documentation and examples


## 0.1.4:

* So many more new palettes!
Expand All @@ -14,7 +29,7 @@
* Mounting 4bitcss (#48)
* Exporting `$4bitcss` (#47)
* Repository Cleanup (#44, #45, #46)
* New Commands
* New Commands
* Convert-4bitName (#33)
* Export-4bitJS (#32)
* Export-4bitSVG (#34)
Expand Down

0 comments on commit efd309c

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