Releases: 2mol/pboy
Releases · 2mol/pboy
release candidate 1.7.1
Build fixes for macOS.
Use newer UPX version, to fix a binary compression bug on MacOS Big Sur
Bug fixes, static linking, and GitHub CI integration.
- the title is now also set in the pdf metadata. Thanks !
- bugfix where opening files didn't respect the cursor focus.
- removal of a dependency that wasn't worth the complexity (
were ditched). - switched to GitHub Actions for releases.
The spit & polish release.
- new config option: separator character.
- length limitation for filename lifted to maximum possible length.
- better help screen, UI hint how to open it with [h].
- more keyboard shortcuts!
- launch file viewer in background.
- fix to sort library files by date.
Huge thanks to Nils Steinger ( for his contributions to this release.
The happy easter release.
This includes all the polish that I have been procrastinating on for almost a year.
- The config file location now follows the cleaner XDG directory spec.
- You can open a file while you are in the middle of renaming it. This makes it easier to remind yourself what the document was in the first place. Just press Ctrl-o.
- You can optionally specify multiple folders to import pdfs from.
- You can rename a file that is already imported, just press ‘r’ when in the Library list.
- There is a screen on first startup, showing you where the config file will be initialized.
- There is now a help screen (press h).
- Everything is slightly prettier.