Raw Notes
Added importLib (2233cea )
Updated typescript node packages (7453e42 )
Replaced es6-promise with es6-shim (7453e42 )
Fixed linting issues (7453e42 )
Fixed inconsistent notification type (48edad0 )
Added sign out across tabs (fe88f45 )
Moved redirects to app service hooks (035c030 )
Fixed inlining for all style and script descendants (f6d03b2 )
Don't vulcanize scripts during debug (4a50d20 )
Added support for keep selection on query refresh (6d8fa93 )
Fixed parsing uri's without hashbang (0278758 )
Fixed issue where minimum column width css property is parsed too early (3bf6df6 )
Fixed loading indicator issue for templated query items presenters (ff485e1 )
Fixed internal path handling issue for urls starting with hashbang (9c368af )
Fixed issue where notification anchor clicks open the more info dialog (a22c277 )
Sync session storage between tabs (1b83602 )
Fixed anchor handler for friendly route maps (9c85447 )
Fixed unmatched route resolved as internal (653355b )
Include all links (3346208 )
Fixed refresh from result after action (fbe02e5 )
Suppress Polymer template and binding notifications by default (4c8127e )
Populate attribute group DOM elements asynchronously (087eebb )
Added loading indicator for query items presenter (6b632f7 )
Removed unused code (f487bde )
Fixed numeric attribute consistency when input is focused (57f86e9 )
Updated valueChanged callback to include oldValue (702375c )
Fixed old breadcrumb reference (e17ed47 )
Fixed inconsistent notification set logic (899fd25 )
Fixed app-route dom-module node (ac7dadc )
Added missing app-setting script (b95194c )
Use native css properties (57aad8d )
Minimize and inline css and js at release build time (f215c23 )
Added shadow to sign in side panel (7d4082e )
Menu is only visible for non-barebone applications (54d76cf )
Fixed proxy for non filterable columns (5be50d5 )
Don't call onOpen hook for query grid openaction (2562612 )
Fixed duplicate script reference (0d0183a )
Fixed deprecated external stylesheet links (d0f3ab5 )
You can’t perform that action at this time.