The implementation of bech32 is from .
Fuzzer for bech32 reference implementation. Testing the bech32_decode function (wanted to rediscover the buffer overflow bug by cross checking implementations).
I have been playing Project Euler recently and for a task I wrote a rust library for c(so I could call rust code from c). Bech32 has a reference implementation for both c and rust. So I wanted to try to rediscover the bug by doing cross checking by fuzzing.
The "problem" with the c code is that the data_len will increment until the char 1 is found.
while (*data_len < input_len && input[(input_len - 1) - *data_len] != '1') {
if (1 + *data_len >= input_len || *data_len < 6) // not problem(new version)
if (hrp_len < 1 || *data_len < 6) // problem (old version)
If you don't have proper checks, you can get an overflow problem(as can be seen above). However, in the rust code they will check for the separator before doing anything else.
const SEP: char = '1';
if s.find(SEP).is_none() {
return Err(CodingError::MissingSeparator)
So I set a different return value from where each function returned and if there was a missmatch, assert. This way I was able to reproduce the bug. You might have to prune some crashes because of different inner working of rust and c.