Hardware and firmware for an irrigation controller on an ESP32.
Designed to control 24VAC solenoid valves.
- PCB has been designed in EasyEDA Standard.
- Board size is 140 mm x 70 mm.
- Includes M4 mounting holes.
- 2 layer board.
Use the Gerber files in hardware to print a PCB from your favourite supplier and solder components to the board.
See hardware/README.md for more information.
Flash the ESP32-C3 using the following steps:
python3 -m venv irrigation
source irrigation/bin/activate
pip3 install esptool esphome
esptool.py --port /dev/ttyACM0 erase_flash
esphome run irrigation.yaml
The firmware uses ESPHome which has default support for Home Assistant.
Initial setup:
- Connect power to the device.
- Connect to the WiFi network
Irrigation Controller
and enter passwordirrigation
. - Open the web browser to
and connect to your WiFi network. - Find the IP address of the ESP32-C3 from your WiFi router devices list. Alternatively run
sudo nmap -sP $(hostname -I | awk '{print $1}')/24
. - Assign a static IP to the ESP32-C3 from WiFi router settings.
- Navigate to the static IP assigned in the initial setup.
- Use the ESPHome web interface to control solenoids.
Home Assistant setup:
- In Home Assistant navigate to
,Devices and Services
,Add Integration
. - Add the host as the static IP assigned in the initial setup, and leave the port as
. - Enter the encryption key found in
. - The ESPHome device will expose the 8 solenoid switch entities.
- Add pictures of installed controller.
- Design 3D printed case.