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Bosch ME7.3H4 RomTool for Ferrari 360's ** BETA TESTING **

By 360trev. Needle lookup function borrowed from nyet (Thanks man!) from the ME7sum tool development (see github).

Summary: This tool is for analyzing/upgrading/modifying Ferrari 360 Firmware dumps. However its been re-written in a very unique way as to be compatible with as many Bosch ME7.x firmware dumps as possible.

Chekcksumming Feature: '-fixsums' This tool currently supports identification of the Main Checksum areas & Multipoint Checksums;

  1. Firstly we identify the code snippet which tells us how many regions are being processed by the original code.
  2. Then we identify the array of start and end addresses out of the code where these checksum ranges are stored.
  3. Then we identify the code area where the original (stored) checksums are located within the rom.
  4. We then re-calc the final checksum which is just an accumulation of all regions checksums plus a 1's complement version is stored as a sanity check. Note: If they do not match either 1) the firmware dump is bad or its been changed since production. Without working main checksum the ecu won't boot the firmware. Since we know exactly where to store the re-calculated checksum we can put this directly back into the rom and save it out (step 3 discovered its location).
    The tool also will walk through the Multipoint Checksum areas too;
  5. Again we search for the code which tells us how many multipoints exist in this firmware rom.
  6. At this stage we search for 2 different variants of the stored checksum rom routine (1 for VAG and 1 for others). Once we identify the location of the multipoint checksum array (16 bytes per entry) comprising of start address, end address, crc32 and 1's complement crc32. we can walk through the list and check them by re-calculating them checksums. Some notes: Since the rom addresses contain rom base addresses (and often all though not always the case (volvo roms start from 0) not from 0 address I opted to use bitmasks to eliminate the high address so we could translate from physical addresses to ram offsets.

Seedkey Patch Feature: '-seedkey' The tool can also identify (currently 2) different variants of the SecurityAccess seed calcuation routines and patch them so that they always return TRUE (1) which means any login password works to grant full access over OBD-II. (e.g access to eeprom and flash writing).

The dppx registers are values used by the cpu to determine physical addresses such as where main system ram is located. By correctly setting the DPPx registers it will help using IDA on the given rom image. Since they are different between different rom's this feature will help you to quickly determine what they should be. This feature is enabled as default.

MLHFM Table Swapping Features: '-rhfm' - Read & save it This is currently Ferrari specific but it basically identifies the MLHFM table which comprises of (typically) 512 entries, each 2 bytes (1024 bytes total) of linearization data for the type of Bosch Air Flow Meters fitted to the Ferrari 360.
This option saves out the table and tries to recognise what table it is. e.g. for a Challenge Stradale sized Air Flow Meters or Modena. This is a great feature for those looking to upgrade to larger AFM's as it yields greater peak power. The larger CS/599/F430 AFM's can flow more air at higher RPM's.

MLHFM Table Swapping Features: '-whfm' - Write & save rom This option allows you to load a previously saved MLHFM binary table and swap it in a new rom. It also tries to recognise what table it is. e.g. for a Challenge Stradale sized Air Flow Meters or Modena. After you've dumped the AFM's from another rom use this to upgrade the rom. If you also add '-fixsums' it will also automatically correct the sums and the output file is ready for flashing. Nothing else to do!

MLHFM Table Swapping Features: '-ihfm' - Identify only This option allows you to load a identify which MLHFM binary table exists in the specified romfile.

Map Dump Feature: '-maps' - Dump (generic) map locations This is a powerful feature that's currently work in progress, its aim is to automatically identify all the maps in a given rom image so you can easily dump, edit and swap them. Watch this space. Big updates on this very soon.

Exhaust Flap Control Table : '-KFAGK' - identify and dump its location I did one table so far (whoop!). It allows you to see how all tables in the future will be formatted. This one shows rpm vs throttle position and what happens to exhaust valves.

Throttle Pedal Torque Table : '-KFPED' - identify and dump its location Throttle pedal charateristics and KFPEDR reversing pedal torque tables.

MAF Sensor Air Temperature correction table, '-KFKHFM' - identify and dump its location

Pulsation correction dependent on intake air temperature: '-PUKANS' - identify and dump its location.

Usage: me7romtool.exe ...

-romfile : Try to identify map in the firmware. You must specify a romfile!

-outfile : Optional filename for saving romfiles after they have been modified (overrides default name)

-force : If a checksummed file needs saving overwrite it anyway even if it already exists.

-KFAGK : Try to identify and show KFAGK exhaust valve opening table in the firmware.

-KFPED : Try to identify and show KFPED/KFPEDR pedal torque request tables.

-KFKHFM : Try to identify and show KFKHFM MAF Sensor correction table.

-PUKANS : Try to identify and show PUKANS Air Temperature correction table.

-CWKONFZ1 : Try to identify and show CWKONFZ1 Codeword for vehicle configuration.

-LAMFA : Try to identify and show LAMFA Driver Requested Lambda table.

-rhfm : Read and extract hfm from romfile, optional dump filename to override default write name.

-whfm : Write hfm into specified romfile. A Mandatory must be specified.

-ihfm : Try to identify mlhfm table in specified romfile.

-maps : Try to identify map in the firmware (Experimental!).

-seedkey : Try to identify seedkey function and patch login so any login password works.

-fixsums : Try to correct checksums, if corrected it saves appending '_corrected.bin'.

-noinfo : Disable rom information report scanning (on as default).

-hex : Also show non formatted raw hex values in map table output.

-adr : Also show non formatted raw hex values in map table output.

-dbg : Show -phy (on as default), -hex and -adr in map table output.

-diss : Show C167 diassembly traces of discovered needles to aid in debugging (Experimental!).

-nophy : Override default behaviour and dont show formatted values in map table output.

? : Show this help.

Q. How does this work?

This tool not only finds signatures it also extract segment information directly out of the machine code (no guessing or manual entry required). Also since variables and data table areas directly within a firmware image that 'move around' due to conditional compilation and absolute addressing modes of the resultant machine code between different firmware versions and builds. The code explicitly supports both 512kbyte and 1Mb rom images despite Ferrari roms only being 512kbytes. I note it works with Alfa and Volvo roms for the checksumming in the tests I've done so far (again down to the unique way I identify the variables and tables.)...

The basic approach is to identify the code block sequences (which are common) and then extract from the machine code itself the offsets to either a variable, map or list area where they are stored.

This means that this approach works across ALL Ferrari 360 firmware dumps and many more besides. The approach can ofcourse be used to search for ALL map tables. The advantage of doing this vs simple byte signatures is that you can extract offsets and information directly out of the code. Also since we are masking out all of the absolute address information directly out of the machine code the searching for common routines works across different generations and even different versions of ME7.x!

Have fun!

Built using CodeLite. See


Bosch ME7.3H4 RomTool for Ferrari 360's






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