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3bgl-shader: a Common Lisp DSL for generating GLSL shaders


  • looks more-or-less like CL
  • type inference
  • hooks for interactive use
  • automatic overloaded functions

Minimal Example shader program

Just transform the vertex, and send color to be interpolated. (More examples can be found here.)

;; define a package for the shader functions, :USEing :3BGL-GLSL/CL
(cl:defpackage #:shader
  (:use :3bgl-glsl/cl)
(cl:in-package #:shader)

;; vertex attributes, need to specify types for all 'external'
;; interfaces and globals (inputs, outputs, uniforms, varyings)
(input position :vec4 :location 0)
(input color :vec4 :location 1)

;; final output
(output out-color :vec4 :stage :fragment)

;; model-view-projection matrix
(uniform mvp :mat4)

;; interface between vertex and fragment shader
(interface varyings (:out (:vertex outs)
                     :in (:fragment ins))
  (color :vec4))

;; vertex shader (names are arbitrary)
(defun vertex ()
  (setf (@ outs color) color
        gl-position (* mvp position)))

;; fragment shader
(defun boring-fragment ()
  (setf out-color (@ ins color)))

 ;; not quite CL:defconstant, need to specify a type
(defconstant +scale+ 2.0 :float)
;; a helper function
(defun invert-and-scale (x)
  ;; RETURN is GLSL return rather than CL:RETURN, and is required for
  ;; functions that return a value
  (return (* +scale+ (- 1 x))))

;; an alternate fragment shader
(defun inverted-fragment ()
  (setf out-color (invert-and-scale (@ ins color))))

Convert to glsl

(3bgl-shaders:generate-stage :vertex 'shader::vertex)
(3bgl-shaders:generate-stage :fragment 'shader::boring-fragment)
(3bgl-shaders:generate-stage :fragment 'shader::inverted-fragment)


// vertex shader:
#version 450
out varyings {
  vec4 color;
} outs;

layout(location = 1) in vec4 color;

uniform mat4 mvp;

layout(location = 0) in vec4 position;

void main () {
  outs.color = color;
  gl_Position = (mvp * position);

// boring fragment shader:
#version 450
out vec4 outColor;

in varyings {
  vec4 color;
} ins;

void main () {
  outColor = ins.color;

// inverted fragment shader
#version 450
out vec4 outColor;

const float SCALE = 2.0;
in varyings {
  vec4 color;
} ins;

vec4 invertAndScale (vec4 x) {
  return (SCALE * (1 - x));

void main () {
  outColor = invertAndScale(ins.color);

Hooks for interactive use

Programs using 3bgl-shader can add a function to 3bgl-shaders::*modified-function-hook*, which will be called when shader functions are redefined. It will be passed a list of names of updated functions. For example in the shaders above, if the (defconstant +scale+ 2.0 :float) form were recompiled in slime with C-c C-c, the hook functions would be passed the list (SHADER::INVERTED-FRAGMENT SHADER::INVERT-AND-SCALE) since invert-and-scale depends on the constant, and inverted-fragment depends on the function invert-and-scale. The hook function could then see one of the fragment shaders it is using had been modified, and arrange for a running program to try to recompile the shader program next frame.

Current status

The compiler and type inference mostly work, including some fairly complicated shaders.

Built-in functions/types/variables from glsl version 4.50 are available, and older versions might work to the extent they are compatible with the subset of 4.50 used in a particular shader. The type inference doesn't distinguish between versions, so might allow casts that wouldn't be valid in an older version.

Error messages are mostly horrible, so most type inference failures will give incomprehensible errors.

CL style type declarations are allowed and should mostly be respected.

API isn't completely finished, so some parts may change (in particular the base types like :vec3 may be renamed to 3bgl-glsl:vec3 at some point.)

The external API needs more work, in particular some way to query uniforms, inputs, outputs, etc.

Currently no way to translate line/column numbers from glsl error messages back to source.

Performance is acceptable for shaders I've tested it on, but not sure how it scales. It currently WARNs if it takes more than 2000 passes for type inference, which may need adjusted or disabled for larger shaders.

Currently all functions that depend on a function/global will be recompiled when things they depend on are recompiled, which can make changing function signatures or types difficult if they aren't compatible with the uses.

Recompilation may be more aggressive than it needs to be, for example if the value of a constant is changed, it shouldn't need to re-run type inference of functions that use that constant if the type didn't change.

Dependencies on uniforms are sometimes missed, dumping a bare reference to it in main function is a simple workaround.

Misc notes

Concrete types

GLSL types are currently named with keywords (though that may change in the future), like :vec2, :vec3, :vec4, :mat2x4, :sampler-2d-array-shadow etc. see the source for details for now, though most are fairly obvious.

Component swizzles

Components of GLSL vector types like :vec4 can be accessed with 'swizzle' functions like .xyz, so for example glsl someVec.rraa would be (.rraa some-vec). Type inference should correctly use the swizzle to determine minimum size of the vector if not specified.

Structure/interface slots

(@ var slot-name) is a shortcut for (slot-value var 'slot-name), and either will compile to var.slot. GLSL doesn't allow specifying a slot through a variable, so slot name must be a quoted compile-time literal.


Functions are required to use RETURN to return values, they will not return the value of the last form as in CL. A function without a RETURN will have a void return type. (return (values)) can also be used to force a void return type, and for early exit from a void function.

Overloaded functions

If a function doesn't have a specific derived or specified type, it can be used with any compatible types, and the generated GLSL will have a version for each type.

For example the previous code could have had

 ;; X can be any type that works with scalar `*` and `-`
(defun invert-and-scale (x)
  (return (* +scale+ (- 1 x))))

(defun inverted-fragment ()
  (setf out-color (+ (invert-and-scale 1) ;; call 'int' version
                     (invert-and-scale (@ ins color))))) ;; call 'vec4' version

which would generate the glsl code

#version 450
out vec4 outColor;

const float SCALE = 2.0;
in varyings {
  vec4 color;
} ins;

// returns a vec4 because the input is vec4
vec4 invertAndScale (vec4 x) {
  return (SCALE * (1 - x));

// returns float because SCALE is a float
float invertAndScale (int x) {
  return (SCALE * (1 - x));

void main () {
  outColor = (invertAndScale(1) + invertAndScale(ins.color));

Type declarations

CL-style type declarations are allowed, and should interact correctly with type inference.

for example

(defun foo (x y)
  (declare (values :float) (:float x))
  (let ((a (+ x y)))
     (declare (:vec2 a))
     (return (.x a))))

specifies that foo returns a float, the first argument is also specified to be float, while the second isn't explicitly restricted. The local variable A is specified to be a vec2, which implicitly restricts Y to also be something that casts to vec2.

(declare (values)) can be used to explicitly specify void return type for a function.

Uniforms, input, output, interface

Uniforms are specified with (UNIFORM name type &key stage location layout qualifiers).
:stage specifies in which shader stages (:vertex,:fragment etc) the uniform is visible (by default the uniform is visible in all stages, though will only be included in generated GLSL for stages in which it is referenced).
:location N is a shortcut for specifying the location layout qualifier.
:layout (...) allows specifying arbitrary layout qualifiers, argument is a plist containing qualifier and value (specify value = t for qualifiers that don't take arguments) :qualifiers (...) allows specifying other qualifiers like restrict, argument is a list of qualifiers.

;; a simple 'int' uniform, location chosen by driver or GL side of API
(uniform flag :int)
;; -> uniform int flag;

;; an image2D uniform, with format, location and `restrict` specified
(uniform tex :image-2d :location 1 :layout (:rg32f t) :qualifiers (:restrict))
;; -> layout(location = 1,rg32f) uniform restrict image2D tex;

;; an atomic counter, with binding and offset specified
(uniform counter :atomic-uint :layout (:binding 0 :offset 0))
;; -> layout(binding = 0,offset = 0) uniform atomic_uint counter;

Inputs and outputs are specified with (INPUT name type &key stage location) and (OUTPUT name type &key stage location) where stage specifies in which shader stages (:vertex,:fragment etc) the input is visible, and location is an integer which will be output as layout(location = 1) in GLSL.

Interfaces between stages are specified as (INTERFACE name (&key in out uniform) &body slots). slots is a list of (slot-name type). in, out and uniform specify how the interface will be visible, and are either T to make it visible to all stages as name, or a plist of stage names and names to use for the interface in that stage.

For example (interface varyings (:out (:vertex outs) :in (:fragment ins :geometry (ins "ins" :*))) ...) will be visible as an output named out in the vertex shader, as an input array named ins in the geometry shader, and as an input named ins in the fragment shader.

name and slot-name in uniform/input/output/interface can either be a symbol which will be automatically converted from lisp-style to glslStyle, or it can be a list of (lisp-name "glslName") to provide an explicit translation.

Running the example programs

Example program uses GLUT and GLU, and expects GLSL version 330. Most lisp dependencies should be available in quicklisp, aside from possibly mathkit.

Load 3bgl-shader-example.asd through ASDF or Quicklisp, then run (3bgl-shader-example:run-example). That should create a window with a spinning teapot, hit 0-5 keys to try the various example shaders.

If that is working, you can open example-shaders.lisp in emacs and edit them and recompile as usual from slime (C-c C-c etc).

Getting names of uniforms/vertex attributes

In addition to generated GLSL source, GENERATE-STAGE returns a list of uniforms as 2nd value, and attributes in 3rd value. Both are in form (lisp-name "glslName" TYPE) for each entry. There isn't currently any dead-code elimination, so listed names may not actually be active in the final shader program.


DEFMACRO and MACROLET work as in CL code, and expansion runs on host so can use arbitrary CL.

Array variables

There is partial support for arrays, though type inference doesn't work completely correctly on them and local array variables can't be initialized when bound.

Currently, array types are specified as (<base-type> <size>). (CL style array/vector types may be supported at some point in the future)

(defun foo ()
  (let ((a)) ;; can't currently initialize local array variables
    (declare ((:float 8) a)) ;; specify size/base type
    (setf (aref a 1) 1.23) ;; access as in CL
    (return (aref a 1)))

Compute Shaders

Compute shaders work pretty much like other stages, except you can't specify inputs/outputs, and must specify the workgroup size for kernel invocations. The workgroup sizes are specified with the layout declaration on the main kernel entrypoint. Compute shaders also expose a number of constants describing an individual invocation's relationship to the entire run: gl-local-invocation-id, gl-global-invocation-id, gl-work-group-id, gl-num-work-groups, and gl-work-group-size, all :uvec3, and gl-local-invocation-index, an :int.

;; define a kernel that runs in units of 8x8x8 blocks
(defun some-kernel ()
  (declare (layout (:in nil :local-size-x 8 :local-size-y 8 :local-size-z 8)))
  ;; xyz takes values from (uvec3 0 0 0) to (uvec3 7 7 7)
  (let ((xyz (.xyz gl-local-invocation-id)))

Shared variables in compute shaders

Compute shader shared variables are defined with SHARED, which takes a name and type (including array types) as arguments

;; define a shared array with 256 :float elements
;; can be accessed with (aref temp x) or (setf (aref temp x) ...) as in CL
(shared temp (:float 256))
;; a shared uint
(shared foo :uint)

Shader Storage Buffer Objects

Limited support for SSBO, use (interface <name> (:buffer t) ...)

;; makes FOO and BAR available in shaders for read/write
;; BAR is an array of mat4, size depends on size of bound buffer
(interface ssbo (:buffer t :layout (:binding 0 :std430 t))
  (foo :vec4)
  (bar (:mat4 :*)))


Preliminary support for defining structures with |defstruct|, doesn't currently accept any of the extra options from |cl:defstruct|, and slot syntax is |(slot-name type)|.

Can't currently infer type of structs, so need to |declare| them by hand.

;; define a struct with a float, array of 8 int, and arbitrary
;; length array of vec4
(defstruct foo
  (a :float)
  (b (:int 8))
  (c (:vec4 :*)))


CL-hosted CL-like DSL for generating GLSL






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