[paper] [supplementary material]
Official implementation of paper "Consistent 3D Line Mapping" at ECCV 2024.
Pipeline overview. Given posed images and SfM points, we first perform feature detection, matching, and association. Then, we sequentially run the process of 3D line segment proposal generation (only demonstrating the Line+Line method here), best proposal selection, line track building, and end with joint optimization.
- This repository requires Python 3.9+ and CMake >= 3.17.
- We test this repository on Ubuntu 20.04 and Ubuntu 22.04.
- This repository does not currently support Windows systems.
The following script is an example of a conda environment setup.
# 1. Install COLMAP 3.8
# * Guide: https://colmap.github.io/install.html (make sure to use the tag 3.8)
# 2. Install PoseLib.
# * Guide: misc/install/poselib.md
# 3. Install HDF5.
sudo apt-get install libhdf5-dev
# 4. Create a conda environment.
conda create -n clmap python==3.9
conda activate clmap
# 5. Install PyTorch (torch>=1.12). Please refer to https://pytorch.org/get-started/previous-versions/ to select the appropriate version.
pip install torch==1.12.0+cu116 torchvision==0.13.0+cu116 torchaudio==0.12.0 --extra-index-url https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu116
# 6. Install CLMAP.
git clone --recursive https://github.com/3dv-casia/clmap.git
cd clmap
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -Ive .
python -c "import limap" # check if the package is successfully installed
Download the test scene ai_001_001 in Hypersim dataset with the following command.
bash scripts_clmap/quickstart.sh
To run line mapping (RGB-only) on scene ai_001_001:
# 1. Run line triangulation: line detection & matching & feature association, proposal generation, best proposal selection, and line track building.
python runners_clmap/hypersim/triangulation.py --output_dir ${tri_output_dir}
# evaluate and print the consistency percentage with "--triangulation.debug_mode True"
# 2. Run joint optimization with 3D points, 3D lines, 3D planes, and vanishing points (VPs).
python runners_clmap/plp_association.py --input_folder ${tri_output_dir}/finaltracks --colmap_model_path ${tri_output_dir}/colmap_outputs/sparse --visualize True --load_dir ${tri_output_dir} --load_vpdet True --output_dir ${plp_output_dir}
# if `visualize` is set to True, you need to close the visualization window in order to continue running the program
To run visualization of the 3D line map after the reconstruction:
python visualize_3d_lines.py --input_dir ${plp_output_dir}/finaltracks -nv 4
# add the camera frustums with "--imagecols ${plp_output_dir}/finaltracks/imagecols.npy"
To run evaluation of the 3D line map:
python scripts_clmap/eval_hypersim.py --input_dir ${plp_output_dir}/finaltracks
# specify the number of visible views with "-nv ${nv}" (4 visible views by default)
output_dir=<output path>
colmap_path=<colmap path>
bash experiments/line_mapping_from_colmap.sh ${colmap_path} ${model_path} ${image_path} ${output_dir}
- Please refer to
for detail settings. - The above program includes both line triangulation (to produce the initial line map) and joint optimization (to take the initial line map as the input and produce the final line map).
- The initial line map without filtering based on visible views is saved in
, while the initial line map with each 3D line segment containing at least 4 visible views is saved in${output_dir}/tri/alltracks_nv4.txt
. - The final line map without filtering based on visible views is saved in
, while the final line map with each 3D line segment containing at least 4 visible views is saved in${output_dir}/plp/alltracks_nv4.txt
Hypersim is a photorealistic synthetic dataset for holistic indoor scene understanding.
Download the first eight scenes (100 images per scene) of the Hypersim dataset with the following script.
hypersim_data_dir=<path_to_dataset>/hypersim # Hypersim dataset directory (requires at least 33GB free space)
bash experiments/hypersim/download.sh ${hypersim_data_dir}
bash experiments/run_hypersim.sh ${hypersim_data_dir} ${hypersim_output_dir}
We test LSD lines and DeepLSD lines, equipped with the GlueStick line matcher (Top 10 matching).
The evaluation results of the initial line maps (i.e., without joint optimization) on the LSD line detector and the DeepLSD line detector are saved in
, respectively. -
The evaluation results of the final line maps (i.e., with joint optimization) on the LSD line detector and the DeepLSD line detector are saved in
, respectively.
Tanks and Temples is a benchmark dataset for image-based 3D reconstruction.
Download the image set
of the Training Data
of the Tanks and Temples dataset from the official link, and save the data like the following form:
tnt_data_dir=<path_to_dataset>/tnt # Tanks and Temples dataset directory (requires at least 26GB free space)
├── Barn
├── 000001.jpg
├── 000002.jpg
├── 000003.jpg
├── Caterpillar
├── Church
├── Courthouse
├── Ignatius
├── Meetingroom
└── Truck
Download the meta_train
data from the official link, unzip it, and rename the unzipped trainingdata
folder as the meta_train
and save the data like the following form:
├── Barn
├── Barn_COLMAP.ply
├── Barn_COLMAP_SfM.log
├── Barn.json
├── Barn_mapping_reference.txt
├── Barn.ply
├── Barn_trans.txt
├── Caterpillar
├── Church
├── Courthouse
├── Ignatius
├── Meetingroom
└── Truck
Run COLMAP and align the COLMAP model on the Tanks and Temples dataset with the following script.
# 1. Run COLMAP on the `Training Data` without considering the scene `Ignatius`.
bash experiments/tnt/run_colmap.sh ${tnt_data_dir}/training ${tnt_colmap_dir}
# 2. Align COLMAP models with the Ground Truth point clouds.
bash experiments/tnt/align_colmap.sh ${tnt_data_dir}/meta_train ${tnt_colmap_dir}
- We follow LIMAP’s suggestion to remove the scene
because it has almost no line structures. - In the end, the aligned COLMAP model for the scene
will be saved in${tnt_colmap_dir}/${scene_id}/dense/aligned
bash experiments/run_tnt.sh ${tnt_output_dir} ${tnt_data_dir}/meta_train ${tnt_colmap_dir} False
We test LSD lines and DeepLSD lines, equipped with the GlueStick line matcher (Top 10 matching).
The evaluation results of the initial line maps (i.e., without joint optimization) on the LSD line detector and the DeepLSD line detector are saved in
, respectively. -
The evaluation results of the final line maps (i.e., with joint optimization) on the LSD line detector and the DeepLSD line detector are saved in
, respectively.
ln -sf /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6 {path to anaconda}/envs/clmap/bin/../lib/libstdc++.so.6
If you find our work useful, please consider citing:
author = {Bai, Xulong and Cui, Hainan and Shen, Shuhan},
title = {Consistent 3D Line Mapping},
booktitle = {European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
year = {2024},
Our project is mainly built on LIMAP, so if you use our project, please also consider citing LIMAP's paper:
author = {Liu, Shaohui and Yu, Yifan and Pautrat, Rémi and Pollefeys, Marc and Larsson, Viktor},
title = {3D Line Mapping Revisited},
booktitle = {Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
year = {2023},
We thank the following excellent projects: