Rhode Island's Office of Library and Information Services data from the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Survey
Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) Survey
Website: http://www.olis.ri.gov/pubs/compstats/
All libraries in the State participate including municipal run libraries (PVD, Warwick, NK, Scituate)
OLIS makes available for analysis raw data collected through the 2015 Annual Report Survey for Rhode Island Public Libraries.
Vendor: Counting Opinions Previous vendors include Bibliostat
Counting Opinions send the file to AIR for submission
Excel check by OLIS before submitting to AIR
Paper process invilved to get signatures
Hundreds of questions: http://www.olis.ri.gov/pubs/compstats/risurvey2015.pdf
More question asked then are required by IMLS
Calculations and prepopulating done manually before submitting to vendor
Administered at the time of grant application Two types of grant application, state grant and endowment grant both administered
Export of CVS, Tab, Excel available by year
CT uses Tableau extensively: http://ctstatelibrary.org/
Interest in visuals
by library
by administrative area
By circulation (How many go out of state) vendor relationship to deliver books
By impact of funding
Salary data often requested
Data that can inform grantees
Data around what is needed by grantees
Other Data Processes Identified:
IT Library Scan: In house. Possibly Survey Monkey and Excel
Summer Reading Survey: In house
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