Little python command line app to simulate a Winston Draft, a two-player draft format for Magic: The Gathering. This will take a list of cards exported from CubeCobra and allow you to test a cube for this format (as it isn't available on CubeCobra).
The code can be pulled in from GitHub, and set up a virtual environment with the required package as shown below.
git clone
cd WinstonCubeSim
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements
Simply start with the command below, it takes exactly one argument, a path to a CVS file from CubeCobra with the list of in the cube.
python ./data/PremodernSultaiWinston_v2.csv
or you can also load a file from a URL (this allows directly linking to a cube on CubeCobra)
python --url <URL_TO_CSV_FILE>
Windows users can also use the binary executable, which can be found in the releases.
You will see in bold the current pile and have the option to take (by pressing ENTER) or skip (pressing SPACE) that pile. If you skip on the third pile the top card of the library is taken. Next, the AI player will execute their turn, this simply picks a random pile though piles with more cards have a higher chance of being picked.
Once the cube is empty, all cards picked by the human and AI player are shown along with the cards that weren't used in the draft (in case your cube exceeds the required number of cards or Winston draft (90 cards))
GitHub's tags are used to automatically create a new release (including building the windows binaries). To do this first tag the commit from which to create a new release and push this tag to GitHub using the commands below.
git tag -a "0.0.7" -m "Release description"
git push origin --tags