git downloader for specific folder
you can run the cli with go run -h
from anywhere on your system as long as you have go installed.
if err := gitdl.DownloadGit(
"torvalds/linux", // base the clone on
"kernel", // only clone the folder "kernel" from linux
"linux_qernel", // name the folder "linux_qernel"
gitdl.WithBranch("master"), // base the clone on the master branch (default main)
gitdl.WithExclusions("configs/*", "async.c"), // exclude everything in configs/ and exclude async.c
gitdl.WithReplace(gitdl.Map{"linux", "linuxisbetter"}) // everytime "linux" is mentionned, it will be remplaced by "linuxisbetter"
gitdl.WithLogs, // you want to enable log
gitdl.WithAuth("ghp_*") // use your github auth token so you can have likely unlimited requests
gitdl.WithoutChecksum // don't care about security (not recommended)
); err != nil {