A powerful and efficient task management system built with Django, DRF, PostgreSQL, and Docker. This application allows users to register, create, and manage tasks with role-based access control.
- User Registration & Authentication: Secure user sign-up, login, and authentication using JWT.
- Task Creation & Management: Create, edit, delete, and assign tasks to users.
- Role-Based Access Control (RBAC): Manage permissions based on user roles (e.g., Admin, Manager, Employee).
- API Documentation: Full API documentation with Swagger.
- Dockerized Setup: Easily deployable with Docker and Docker Compose.
- PostgreSQL Database: Robust task storage with PostgreSQL.
- Heroku Deployment: Live deployment on Heroku.
- Backend: Django, Django REST Framework (DRF)
- Authentication: JWT (JSON Web Tokens) using
- Database: PostgreSQL
- Deployment: Docker, Heroku
- API Docs: Swagger
├── task_management/ # Core project settings
│ ├── settings.py # Project configuration
│ ├── urls.py # URL routing
│ └── wsgi.py # WSGI for deployment
├── tasks/ # Main application
│ ├── models.py # Database models for tasks
│ ├── serializers.py # DRF serializers for API
│ ├── views.py # API views and logic
│ └── urls.py # URL routing for tasks API
├── Dockerfile # Docker configuration
├── docker-compose.yml # Docker Compose configuration
├── Procfile # Heroku deployment configuration
├── manage.py # Django project manager
├── requirements.txt # Python dependencies
└── README.md # Project documentation
- Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/5ekastanx/Task-Management.git
cd Task-Management
- Set up environment variables Create a .env file in the root directory with the following content: SECRET_KEY=<your_secret_key> DEBUG=False ALLOWED_HOSTS=* DATABASE_URL=<your_postgresql_database_url>
- Build and run the project using Docker
docker-compose up --build
- Apply database migrations
docker-compose exec web python manage.py migrate
- Create a superuser (Admin)
docker-compose exec web python manage.py createsuperuser
- Access the application Visit the application at http://localhost:8000.
🧪 Running Tests To run the tests for this project, use the following command:
docker-compose exec web python manage.py test
🚀 Deployment to Heroku This project is ready for deployment to Heroku. It uses a Procfile for Heroku configuration.
To deploy:
Install the Heroku CLI and log in.
Create a new Heroku app:
heroku create your-app-name
Push to Heroku:
git push heroku main
Run database migrations on Heroku:
heroku run python manage.py migrate
📜 License This project is licensed under the MIT License.
🌟 Developed by 5ekastanx. Feel free to explore and contribute!
This README.md
provides an overview of your project, its features, setup, and deployment instructions, along with a clear folder structure. You can adjust any specific details such as the project URL and your preferred content.